sixty five

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"Sure, I will have to as Lin if I can go though." I replied. I quickly texted Lin and he said that I could go.

We arrived at school shortly and Spencer and I went to class, talking excitedly about our sleepover tonight at Laura's.


[Olivia's POV]

After school got out, Spencer and I got into Laura's car and she drove us to the theater so that we could get our sleepover things. The three of us went into the theater and ran up to my room, Laura was amazed by the theater, she loves Hamilton and pretty much every musical.

We got up to my room and Spencer and I quickly packed a bag with sleepover things and then we left to find Lin so that I could say goodbye to him before we left. We found him in his room hanging out with Anthony.

"Hey guys, I'm about to head out. Oh, Laura and Spencer come her." I said to them, Laura and Spencer walked into Lin's room. Laura's face lit up when she saw the 2 of them.

"Oh my gosh, hi. My name is Laura, I'm a huge fan of Hamilton and the 2 of you." She says excitedly. Lin and Anthony stand up and shake her hand with a smile.

"Anyways, I just wanted to say goodbye before I left." I said to the 2 of them.

"Ok, goodbye sweetheart." Lin said, giving me a hug.

"Goodbye, Olivia." Anthony said, I looked into his eyes and smiled before leaving with my 2 friends.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that just happened." Laura exclaimed. I laughed and decided to take her into the main room so that she could meet other members of the cast.

She was completely shocked when we walked into the main room and saw them sprawled all over the room. I introduced her to everyone and then said goodbye as we left the theater.

It didn't take us very long to get to Laura's house, once we arrived we went to her room. We all changed into some comfier clothes, I put on a pair of back leggings and one of Anthony's high school baseball sweatshirts. We all sat on her bed which was huge so we all fit in it with plenty of room.

Laura ordered a pizza and we all just hung out in her room talking.

"So, Laura.. Are you excited about your scholarship?" Spencer asks her.

"Oh my gosh, yes! I can't believe I get to play volleyball in college, full ride too!" She says.

"You have a scholarship? Wait, are you a senior?" I ask, I am slightly confused.

"Ya, I got a scholarship to Arizona to play volleyball. And ya, I'm a senior. I cannot wait to graduate this year!" She says excitedly.

"Ya same.." I say but trail off when I remember that they don't know.

"What do you mean same?" Spencer asks me.

"I kind of.. I'm graduating early this year." I say looking down.

"That's so awesome!" Spencer says.

"You don't think I'm a nerd? I just work hard in school and have a lot of time to study and-" I say.

"Olivia, don't be ashamed at your talents. That's amazing!" Laura says. I smile and look down again, still kind of embarrassed. The doorbell rings and Laura goes and answers it. She brings back a box of pizza.

"Spencer, pick out a movie for us to watch while we eat." Laura says, setting the box onto the bed and hopping on.

Spencer goes and picks out a movie and puts it in the DVD player and begins it. She picked out Grease. I smile as it begins to play, Jazzy and I love this movie, we have watched it a million times together.

We eat our pizza and watch the movie then get distracted and talk while it plays. Spencer and I discuss our plans for tomorrow, Lexi will pick us up and we will say that it's just Laura and that we are spending the night again but really we will stay at Lexi's. We invite Laura to come and she said yes and luckily was able to throw together a last minute costume. Our plan is all set.

We all stay up pretty late, daring each other to text cute guys, and girls for Spencer's case. I decided not to text anyone, I wasn't looking for anyone to have a relationship with, I am happy with being single and with my friends.

Spencer and Laura eventually fall asleep, it is pretty late but I can't sleep so I text Anthony.

Me : hey are you still up?

Anthony : yes, are you ok?

Me : can I call you? I'm bored.

A few seconds later my phone begins to buzz, Anthony is calling me.

"Hey.." I whisper into the phone.

"Hey, are you ok?" Anthony says, his voice is slightly deeper than usual, he must've been asleep.

"Ya, I'm fine. Look, if I woke you up I am sorry, I can try to go to sleep again." I say.

"No no, I would rather talk to you than sleep anyways. So what's up?" He asks.

"I'm laying in bed right now. They are both asleep and I can't fall asleep." I say.

"Aw, I wish I was there to help you get to sleep." He says. I smile but realize that he can't see me.

"That would be nice." I say softly.

"Are you carving pumpkins with the cast tomorrow?" He asks.

"Oh ya, would you be able to pick me up from here tomorrow?" I ask.

"Sure." He says. It is quiet on the line for a while. I can hear his soft and steady breaths through the phone.

My eyes are beginning to become heavy listening to him breathe, I match my breaths to his and then he begins to sing.

"Love.. Is such a pretty thing. But lately, it's been hard to find. For I can taste it, when the wind blows in and I can see it hiding on the mountain side." He sings, his voice is still so beautiful despite it being so late in the night. His voice has a way of bringing peace to me, and calming me down.

"But I never thought it could be this bad. Ya and I lost all the love I had. So Olivia, won't you let me in. Ya, I'm in love again." He sings softly before saying, "Goodnight, Olivia." as I drift off to sleep.

Hello everyone, ok this chapter was cute and I like it. The song is called Olivia by Rayland Baxter. It is very good, you should go give it a listen.

Ok, so I have done more work on this story than I have in a while and I am technically not supposed to, like I will get myself beat if my parents catch me on my phone right now. You guys are so worth it though.

I don't really have anything to say right now to be honest. I'm just gonna end this. Oh btw, I am refusing to edit my chapters anymore bc I am too lazy for that.

I kind of want to do a chapter in a different POV, I haven't done that in a while, should it be?

I love you all more than I love myself. Treat yourselves right. Eat some pasta, watch a movie, take a bath. Look in the mirror and say "Aibhlinn is right, I am so cute." Don't worry about other people's opinions of you, do your own thing, wear whatever you want, fleek your makeup or go bare faced. you do you and do it like the bad áss that you know you are. Ok, goodnight.

- aibhlinn

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