ninety one

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My body collapses into the uncomfortable chair and I breathe out a stressed sigh. Why hasn't she woken up yet? I miss her so much. I will never be able to get over it if she dies.


Olivia's POV

The blurry haze of the hospital room flowed into my tired eyes. I could hear the soft snores of Lin sleeping the chair across from me.

I tried to speak but the tube in my throat stopped me from bringing any air in my mouth. I began to choke on the tube, Lin woke up startled and ran to me.

"Somebody help me!" He yelled as he gripped my arm gently. A nurse rushed in and began removing the tube from my throat and I was finally able to breath.

I sat there for a minute, trying to catch my breath. Lin was saying random things to me and thanking god that I was alive.

"Anthony?" I croaked. Oh god, is he ok? He couldn't have died. I need him.

"Olivia, you're awake! I love you so much baby." Lin cried to me.

"Where's.. Anthony?" I weakly asked. The nurse brought me a cup of water which I gratefully guzzled down and asked for more.

"He's down the hall, he's fine." Lin told me, stroking the top of my head soothingly.

Before I could stop myself I began to cry. Tears raced down my cheeks so quickly, Lin wiped them away with his thumb.

"I love you, Lin." I said through tears. That is the first time I ever told someone I loved them since my family died.

He smiled widely and wrapped me tightly in his arms.

"I want Anthony." I say after a few minutes.

"I'll go get him." Lin said.

I waited patiently in my bed alone for Anthony to show up. A minute later he came into my room, Lin was waiting in the hallway. He had a cast on his leg but other than that he didn't look to injured. I thanked god that he was ok.

"Olivia.." He whispered, his words straining as he spoke. "I'm so sorry."

He got into my bed and wrapped me in his arms, my head resting on his chest.

"It's not your fault, Anthony. I'm ok." I reassured him.

"No, I should've protected you more. I haven't been able to sleep thinking that you may not survive this. I would have never forgiven myself." He rambles.

"I forgive you." I say before looking into his eyes. He matches my gaze and looks into my eyes. I notice the freckles across his nose and find myself getting lost in my thoughts. His glance flashes away as does mine. I lean my head back onto his chest and feel his lips softly kiss the top of my head soothingly. I let out a sigh and close my eyes, letting my body relax.

Hello everyone, sorry about my absence from wattpad lately, been going through a lot of stuff and it's been hard. Not an excuse but just wanted to let you know that I haven't just given up on this book.

I hope you are well, please give me ideas for the next chapter because then it will be uploaded sooner.

Anyways, love you.

- aibhlinn

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