sixty eight

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I hear the familiar noise as he pulls down the zipper, I scream out once more before realizing that my cries for help are hopeless. I am not going to be saved from this. I close my eyes and hold my breath as his hands pull down my dress.


[Olivia's POV]

I laid in that car, the man had left me a few minutes ago. I was exposed, I was cold, I was ashamed. Silent tears fell down my cheek as I remembered how his hands grabbed me without asking, how he was hurting me and wouldn't stop when I asked. I was blaming myself for not being strong enough to push him off or fight him.

He used my body, my innocent body. I feel dirty and out of breath as if his hands were still covering my mouth as he violated my body. I could still feel his hands all over me, I felt as if he was still touching me.

I sat up in the car and grabbed my clothes and redressed myself for the second time that night. I shouldn't have even come here. If I had followed my gut I wouldn't be in this situation. I would be in the theater right now, or maybe with Jazzy eating Halloween candy that is supposed to be for trick-or-treaters and laughing at all of her jokes. Instead I lost my innocence to a man I don't know and will never know.

I open the car door after getting dressed and step out into the parking ramp. It is filled with parked cars but there is nobody in here. I walk through it and out into the city streets. The club is not far from here, I remember how we got there. I go back and after taking a deep breath I walk inside to find my friends. I find Spencer and Laura and pull them to the side and say that I need to go home, they tell me to go and that they will take a cab back.

I go back outside and nervously pull out my phone, my hands shaking. I dial Anthony's number and let it ring in my ear.

"Hello? Olivia, are you alright?" He asks through the phone.

"No.. Can you come get me, I will explain everything when you pick me up. If you are busy that's fine I guess I can ask Lin I just don't want to bother him and Seb-" I ramble into the phone, my voice is shaky and I am on the verge of tears.

"Olivia, calm down. Of course I will come get you. Where are you?" He asks.

"Silver Shots.." I say hesitantly.

"The club?" He sighs and says, "Olivia.. Ok, ya I will be there in like 10 minutes."

I hang up on him and stand on the sidewalk with my arms crossed, shaking from the cold. Every time a man walks by me I freeze and can't breathe until they pass by me. I think about what happened, what am I going to tell Anthony? Am I going to tell Anthony? It's not like I can do anything to the man, I don't know who he is and never got a good look at him.

I wait for Anthony to show up and run to his car when he stops on the side of the street. I hop into the front seat, he looks disappointed in me. I would be too.

"I want to explain everything to you, but I can't do it here. Can we go to the theater?" I ask him. He nods and drives off in the direction of the Richard Rodgers. Once we arrive, we walk through the halls and up the stairs until we are standing on the roof of the theater.

The wind flies through my hair, a tears fall from my eyes. Anthony reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear and after wiping a tear from my cheek he cups the side of my face in his hands and asks me, "What's wrong, love?"

"Anthony.. I-I was raped tonight."

Hello everyone, cliffhanger yay! I know how much you love them.. Ya just kidding, one time I ended on a cliffhanger and someone got so mad and she didn't read the story anymore ): but whatever, it's easy to write and pick up on when I start the new chapter so ya.

I'm in St. Louis rn and it is very cool here, I like it a lot. I went to the arch but refused to go up bc heck no my body is not going 630 ft in the air. I met this guy at the city museum and he was so cute OMG, curly hair, glasses, amazing body, and hilarious. He slipped me his number when my mom wasn't looking so that's fun. But I mean I live 4 hours from here so.. ):

Anyways, I should go before my mom wakes up and catches me on my phone.

Hope you have a spectacular night or day (:

- aibhlinn

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