one hundred eighteen

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"I'm sorry, Lin. You are my father and I love you." I say into his chest. He squeezes me tighter and I smile.

Vanessa comes and joins us, kissing the top of my head. This is my family now, and I love them with all my heart. 


[Olivia's POV]

Today I am spending the day with Jasmine which is exciting because we naturally grew apart when I was with Anthony because well.. I'm pretty sure that she is still pretty upset over everything even though she has moved on. I get it.

"Hey girl!" Jasmine says as I hop into the passenger side of her car. "I was thinking we could hit the mall and then maybe get some lunch?" 

"Sounds good to me." I say with a smile. 

I grab the sides of the seat as she turns out into the street. I forgot how scary it is to be in the car while Jasmine is driving. 

"What the hell is that person doing?" She yells. 

"They have the right of way, Jazz." I laugh. 

"I should always have the right of way. I mean, I'm Jasmine Cephas Jones." She bluntly says. 

"I've never heard anything more true." I say. 

We thankfully arrive at the mall without dying and we begin in a little store that Jasmine says has the cutest clothes. 

"What do you think about me getting my hair cut?" I ask, searching through a rack of shirts. 

"Oh my gosh that would be so cute! Let's go do it!" She exclaims. 

"Right now?" I ask. 

"Yes!" She yells. "But first let me pay for these shoes." 

She pays for her shoes and drags me to her hair salon and soon enough I am in the chair and the lady is asking me how short I want it. Leave it to Jasmine to get things done. 

"Right above my shoulders." I tell the woman with a smile.

"Oh wow, have you ever had it this short?" She says, combing through my hair. 

"I'm in need of a change." I explain. She begins to cut my hair and Jasmine gives me a thumbs up as she reads a magazine. 

"Okay, all done." She says. She turns the chair around and I look at my reflection in the mirror. It's so short but I love it! My curls don't even reach my shoulders and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I look so different. 

"What do you think, Jazz?" I ask her, showing her my hair. 

"I'm in love." She says. I pay for the haircut and we leave to get lunch. We end up eating at some sushi place. 

"Oh my god, we should probably get going, I need to get ready for the show." She says and pays for our meal. I nod and we begin to head back to the theater. We rush inside and everybody compliments my new haircut. 

I see Anthony down the hallway and I look at my feet as I walk by him. I feel him gently grab my arm and say, "You cut your hair.. It looks nice, you look nice." 

I give him a small smile and his hand lingers on my arm before he lets go and continues to walk. I turn around and watch him, he looks back and smiles as he sees me looking at him. 

I head to my room and lay on my bed thinking about what just happened. Why would he say he doesn't want to be with me if he still acts like he likes me? Why is he so confusing! Why do I care? He told me that he doesn't want to be with me and I've moved on. 


Hello everyone, decided to do this little update. I don't know what to put in this story lol.. 

I love you

- aibhlinn 

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