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"For that comment, you can be it." Oak said, letting me hop off of his back.

The rest of us laughed and ran of the stage leaving him to count quietly to himself.


[Olivia's POV]

A few rounds of hide and seek later, the cast was exhausted from running around the theater for an hour. We all came back on stage to figure out what we want to do next. Eventually we just decided to watch a movie, Andrew magically hauled a TV onto the stage from God knows where and hooked it up. We all got on our blankets and waited for him to put a movie in.

"Now, y'all better hush up during the damn movie or your ass will be kicked out by yours truly. I don't put up with that game." Andrew warns as he puts in a DVD. We all laugh at his sass, his big curly hair a mess on top of his head.

I sit in the back with Anthony, we share a blanket and the movie begins. It's the first Harry Potter. My heart sinks a little, my shoulders tense. Anthony notices and turns to me and asks what's wrong.

"I used to watch this with my family all the time. This was our favorite one to watch." I said. Anthony wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

"Now you get to watch it with your new family." He says. I smile and nod.

The movie passes by filling me with memories with my family. I wasn't sad though, Anthony was right, I had another family and they would never replace the one I lost but they were doing a pretty good job of trying. My eyes began to get heavy during the part where Harry, Ron and Hermoine find the 3 headed dog and I fell asleep in Anthony's arms.

I woke up in the middle of the night, I was confused when I was laying against a human body instead of my dogs like I usually am. Then I remember that I am on stage with everyone and that my dog was with Vanessa and Sebastian for the weekend. I sat up and saw that everyone was asleep, the movie had been turned off. I checked my phone for the time, it was 3 am. I was wide awake, shoot I hate when this happens.

I carefully stand up and walk across the stage making sure that I don't step on anyone. I leave the stage and walk up the flights of stairs and go into my room. I go to my window and open it all the way and sit on the window sill. The cold fall air is refreshing on my face, it is hot on the stage with all of those people in there too.

"Hey." A voice behind me says, scaring me.

"You scared me, I could've fallen out of the window." I say turning around to see Jazzy, she has tears in her eyes. "Jazz.. What's wrong?"

"Anthony.. He uh. He broke up with me. It was after you had fallen asleep, I came upstairs to sleep in my dressing room, I didn't want to be in the same room as him you know?" She says, a tear falls down her cheek.

I am going to kill him. "Jazzy, I'm so sorry." I say, I hop off the window sill and hug her. She cries on my shoulder, I rub her back.

"I thought we were perfect. Meant to be." She sniffles. "I don't know if I can do the musical anymore, Olivia."

"Come on, you don't have to quit just because you guys aren't together anymore.." I say. Jazzy can't leave, she is one of my best friends.

"I need to take a break, even for just a little bit. Clear my head, get over him. I am telling Lin in the morning." I sigh knowing that I won't be able to change her mind.

"Take me with you?" I ask, half joking but also half serious. "You are my best friend Jazz, you can't leave me."

"I would in a heart beat babe but I can't. You need to be here, home. You need Lin. And as much as it hurts to say this, you need Anthony, he is your rock. You need him, he needs you." She smiles.

"I'm going to miss you." I say, now I am the one fighting back tears.

"Oh baby, you aren't getting rid of me that easy. We will call everyday, facetime too so I can see your beautiful face and make sure that you are wear cute outfits. Plus, I will be back in a month or so." She says. "Be kind to Anthony, don't be mad at him about this. I am sure he has a reason."

We talk for a little bit longer before we both fall asleep in my bed.

Hello everyone. Cue all the death threats, complaints, and the removal of my story from libraries. Frick.

You guys I am actually having anxiety over posting this like I am so scared about how you will react. But this is just how the story has to play out for it to end up the way I want. I hope you understand. Let's just remember, this is FANFICTION. Anthony and Jazzy are still happily together in real life.

Alright, I love you. Stay safe. Treat yourself to some ice cream or maybe pizza, you know what just get both because you deserve it! You are beautiful. Ok bye.

- aibhlinn

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