twenty one

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"Lin, what are we going to do? He could kill her! I promised her that I would keep her safe!" His eyes begin to tear up.

"It'll be ok, Anthony. We will find her. We can save her."

Could we?


[Olivia's POV]

He takes me to a house I have never seen before, it isn't far away from the city but is further than his house. He drags me inside and I see a man about John's age sitting on a couch smirking at me as John pulls me through the door. I am taken to a door which opens to a case of stairs leading into a basement.

It is cold and unfurnished down here. He throws me on the ground, the freezing cement floors send chills down my spine. It smells like mold in the room.

He ties a piece of rope around my wrists and tied the other piece around a vent. I couldn't leave even if I tried.

"Please.." I beg as he begins to walk up the stairs. "You don't have to do this. Lin will find out soon and he will come and save me."

"If he tries to save you, or if anyone of your new pals try for that matter, I will kill him." He says with anger in his voice and slams the door shut, leaving me in the dark.

I can hardly see anything, just boxes spilling with random things. They probably only use this basement for storage.

I began to sob uncontrollably. No one could hear me so they wouldn't see my weakness. I cried and cried, screaming, cursing at John. He can't kill Lin. Lin has made things so much better for me in the past few days. He is genuinely such an amazing person.

I eventually cried myself to sleep, an occasional hiccup shaking my body on the cold and damp floor.

[Lin's POV]

Anthony and I got into my car and began driving over the city to see if John and Olivia were walking around anywhere. I offered to drive because Anthony was so shaken up about her being taken. They had gotten so close over the past days. They had become good friends.

We drove around for about an hour, in that time we called all of the cast and told them what was happening, but we didn't see any sign of them.

Anthony called the police after our unsuccessful search and explained the situation. They agreed to meet us at the theater right away.

Once we got back to the theater, two cop cars were parked outside, fans surrounded the entrance wondering what was going on.

"Oh my god.. How are we going to get through that?" Anthony said, looking defeated at the large crowd of people.

"We have to run." I said getting out of the car. Anthony followed me and we both started running into the crowd.

"Omg it's Lin!" A few shouted.

"Lin! What's happening?! Is everything ok?" More people shouted.

I wanted to assure them that everything was ok and that they shouldn't worry but I had to hurry in to talk to the police officers.

Anthony and I finally made it trough the crowd me bursted through the front doors. Renée was standing at the doors looking at all the fans freaking out outside. I asked her to go outside and tell everyone that everything was ok and that they should go home. She nodded.

We kept running through the theater until we found two officers sitting at a table in an empty room.

"Hello, officers." I said sitting across from them, Anthony say behind me.

"Do you have any idea where this girl is?" One of the officers, his name was Jim, asked.

"The only guess I have is her foster parents house." Anthony told them.

"Do you know the address?" The other one asked, his name was Brad.

"No, but I can drive with you and show you how to get there!" Anthony offers. The officers nod and stand up, we follow them out of the room.

Renée did a good job at clearing the street because there were only a few people when we walked outside. We got into one of the cop cars and Anthony gave them directions to the house. When we arrive my heart drops, the house is the stereotypical abusive home. Chipped paint, a dead garden, a shattered window on the top floor. It makes me upset thinking that Olivia lived here. She doesn't deserve this.

The officers pull out their guns and begin walking to the house. They have Anthony come with them because he knows the layout of the house from being here before. I come with Anthony so is a little less afraid.

We maneuver through the house carefully and quietly. After checking each room, we know that no one is home. We check in Olivia's room, which again makes me sick thinking about how she had to live in it, but she isn't there. No one is in the house.

Where did they take her?

"Do you know any where else they would've taken her?" One of the officers asks.

I shake me head and so does Anthony. We both have no idea where else to look.

"God dammit, Olivia. Where are you?" Anthony whispers to himself.

Hello everyone! Sorry for the cliffhanger, this one I couldn't really prevent.. These next chapters are going to be pretty intense and may end off at a cliffhanger since it makes the story flow well. I am sorry if you don't like them ):

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- aibhlinn

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