twenty eight

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"Make a wish!" Phillipa said.

I closed my eyes and could only think of one thing.

I wished that everything would stay the same, because right now, my life is just about perfect.


[Olivia's POV]

My life took such an amazing turn for the better in such a short amount of time. I am so grateful for everything that Lin has done to help me get out of some of the worst times in my life. I hope one day I will be able to repay him.

Last night was amazing. I went to the show, then to an after party with Jasmine, and then returned to the theater, crawled into my bed with India, and fell asleep like a rock.

The sun gently came into my room, hitting my face and waking me up. I stumbled out of bed and into my bathroom.

I jumped in the shower and then continued getting ready for the day. I put on a pair of vintage high waisted jean shorts with a yellow t-shirt crop top. I slid on my high top white converses to complete the look. My long brown hair fell down my back in curls and frizz, still damp from the shower.

I looked in the mirror for a while. I usually never stare at myself but i was so surprised with my appearance. What I see now is not the girl I would've seen a few weeks so. I see a clean face without bruises and cuts, I see sparkling green eyes, I see dark freckles on my nose and cheeks, and plump lips, and a believable smile. This is who I am.

I took India downstairs to the kitchen with me to feed us both. I scooped her food into her bowl and let her eat it. I started to brew a cup of coffee and chopped up some fruit for my own breakfast. I sat at the table and ate my bowl of fruit. Once I finished I took my coffee with me and went to find someone to talk with since I was so bored.

Lin was in his room, I knocked and opened the door. He was on his phone doing some video chat with his fans on an app called periscope. There were thousands of people watching.

"Oh hey, Olivia. Come be in the video!" he says, pointing his phone camera at me.

I went to his couch and sat down next to him. I mainly listened for a while and occasionally would join in on the conversation and answer some fan questions.

I noticed a keyboard in the corner of his room, I walked over to it and sat in front of it.

"Can I?" I ask Lin.

"Ya, absolutely. Go for it." He nods to me and continues to talk into his phone.

I turn my body to face the piano keyboard straight on and begin to play a few cords, trying to jog my memory. I hadn't played since I was 10 but they say it's like riding a bike, you never forget.

I began to play a song that my dad taught me a few months before I lost them. It was a very simple song with only 4 chords that repeat through the song but I really liked it. I used to sing it with my friend, her name was Lexi, we always said that we would post a cover on YouTube one day and become famous but we never got around to recording one. I wonder what ever happened to her.

"He left no time to regret.. kept his lips wet.. with his same old safe bet." I began singing softly, Lin's eyes flickered up to watch me, the video chat was still on.

"Me.. and my head high.. and my tears dry.. Get on without my guy." I continued, he began to smile and looking into his phone making weird faces at the camera.

"You went back to what you knew.. so far removed.. from all that we went through." I continued, Lin had since turned the camera to face me while I played the keyboard and sang the song.

"And I tread a troubled track.. My odds are stacked.. I'll go back to black." I sang. So far I had only sang softly but once I got to the chorus I sang with more intensity.

"We only said goodbye with words. I died a hundred times. You go back to her and I'll go back to.. I'll go back to us." I sang, my fingers kissed the keys as I played the simple but beautiful chords. My memory of piano had come back and I was able to play the song with my eyes closed.

I sang through the whole song and once I was done I turned to Lin who was completely shocked. His jaw was literally open so wide as well as his eyes.

I laughed nervously and shrugged.

"Olivia, I had no idea that you were so talented! Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I don't know, I am not that good, I didn't think it was a big deal." I said, looking down at my lap.

"That was amazing. They all want you to play another song." He says showing me his phone. There I saw the comments coming in so fast they were difficult to read but the few that I could make out were requests for me to sing something another song.

"Um, ok." I say hesitantly, a little embarrassed from the attention I was getting,"I might remember something else." I said, going back to the keyboard. My fingers danced on top of the keys without making noise trying to remember the chords to a song I used to play with Lexi years ago.

"Oh, got one! This is a song I used to play with my best friend Lexi a few years ago. A Beatles song, it's called Let it Be. I hope you like it." I speak to Lin's phone before handing it back to him.

Again he flips the camera view to show me sitting at the keyboard about to start the next song. This is a dream come true. I am singing for thousands of people right now, I am surprised that I am not nervous, I have never sang for anyone except my family and Lexi. My fingers gently find the correct chords and begin to play.

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

if you didn't see my update that I posted on my message wall, I got my medical test results back and I have a heart arrhythmia, which is an irregular heart beat. my heart is beating abnormally fast and has been causing me to feint, lose my breath, etc. but don't worry, i will be ok as long as i get some rest, try to distress, and monitor my heart beat. thank you guys for being so patient with my updating as well as sending me lovely comments and messages hoping that i get better. you guys are the best, honestly the most amazing humans ever (:

i have decided to make a new story, but it's going to be about me. well, sort of. you guys always want to get to know me better so the chapters in this story will be getting to know me, answering questions you ask me, ranting/venting, of course fanning, and some other random things. it will also be a way for me to get to know you guys which i would love! it is called 'the daily life of aibhlinn blake', the 1st chapter is up. go check it out for more information on what the story is and read the 1st chapter (:

a lot of you have asked how much longer is in this story, and my answer is about 2 years of Olivia's life will be put in the story. and then i will create a sequel so don't worry my story isn't ending or going away anytime soon.

thank you for 2k!! that is so crazy i can't even talk about it like wow. just, thank you.

- aibhlinn

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