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just took Olivia from her foster dad, oh God. What is happening?

I lay her down on a couch inside a dressing room, I think it is Phillipa's.

"Lin.. Explain. Now." Phillipa says. Everyone surrounds me looking for an answer.

Here goes nothing.


[Lin's POV]

The only thing I told my friends about Olivia was that I had caught her trying to steal food at a store and after she told me that she couldn't afford it I bought her a meal. I didn't mention anything about me suspecting she was being abused.

"I didn't tell you guys everything about her. What I did say was true, but I left a few things out." I said, then I went on explaining how I believed that Olivia was being abused and how she is a foster kid.

I went over to check on Olivia while everyone was standing, shocked from what I told them. She had major bruising on her face, her lip was cut and bleeding. Her dress showed a little of her collarbones which were bruised and I made a strong guess that most of her body was probably black and blue as well.

"Lin, we have to take her to a hospital. She could have broken something, she looks seriously beat up." Anthony says worriedly.

"I know. But what about her foster dad, he is probably still out there or has called the police." I say.

"I'll go check the window." Leslie says, running out of the room.

He comes back a minute later and says, "I don't see him. He has probably given up or he left to let the police take her back. either way we have to get her to a doctor."

"I can drive," Daveed offers. "You can sit in the back with her incase she wakes up."

I nod and scoop Olivia into my arms, she is so light, I wonder if they under feed her. With her in my arms, I walk with Daveed to his car and sit in the back, running my fingers through her hair.

She is so tiny, I felt like just by holding her she would break in half. She had to only be about 5'2 and despite her short self, she had long thick curly brown hair. She had dark freckles under her eyes and across her nose. She was beautiful. How could anyone ever hurt her? And she is only 15!

We arrive at the hospital shortly and I carry her inside. Someone helps us immediately but makes Daveed and I wait in the waiting room because we are not her family.

15 minutes later they come out to tell us that she is awake and asking for me. I nod and follow them into a room where she is laying on a table.

"Lin, what is happening? Where is John and Trish?" she asks, clearly frightened of waking up and not knowing where she is. Who are John and Trish? Probably her foster parents.

"You were running in the streets and I stopped you. You-you collapsed in my arms and I brought you to the hospital. You look like you just got beat up." I explain to her. "John and Trish don't know that you are here."

She looks relieved when I tell her that last part.

"Ok well, Olivia. You have no broken bones but you have serious bruising. Stay away from any rough physical activity and take it easy for a while. Your body needs time to heal." The doctor explains. Olivia nods and hops off the table and leaves the room with me. She winces at every step, clearly in pain.

"What is going to happen to me? Are you taking me back to my foster home?" She asks, fear in her eyes.

"No sweetheart. You can come with me. I can take care of you." I say.

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to give it a vote and comment if you did!

- aibhlinn

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