one hundred twenty

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"Yep!" I say. I kiss Lin on the cheek and get into Ben's car.

We buckle up and Ben says to me, "And now begins the worlds best date."


[Olivia's POV]

"Alright, Benjamin. You have kept tonight a secret up until now, so can you please tell me where we are going?" I say as he drives through the busy streets of New York.

"First up on the agenda, we are going to get some dinner at the fanciest place an eighteen year old can afford." He tells me, I smile and giggle. We drive for awhile until we arrive at the restaurant.

"Thank you, sir." I say as he opens the door for me. He laces his fingers with mine and we walk into the building.

"Reservation for Thompson." Ben says to the man waiting by the doors. He nods and takes us to a small table in the back. The place is cute, minimally decorated but packed with people.

I take off my coat and rest it on the back of my chair, I instinctively crossed my arms to conceal my scars. Ben seems to notice because he says, "Olivia, you truly look amazing tonight."

"You don't look half bad yourself." I reply, sitting down. I order a pasta dish and we begin to talk as we wait for our food to be cooked.

"Okay, favorite color? Go." He says after we get our food.

"Yellow! Favorite movie?" I question him. We decided to play a speed round of questions to get to know each other a little better.

"Star Wars, duh. Favorite animal?"

"Wolf. Best friend?"

"Daniel Green. Dream college?" He asks.

"Uh, none? I don't plan on going to college as of now. Favorite sport?" I say with a laugh.

"Soccer, obviously." He laughs.

"Oh, right." I say remembering he is on the team.

"Okay, this food is really good." He says, ending the streak.

"Agreed.." I mumble, taking a bite of my pasta.

"Alright, Thompson. What's next?" I ask him as he pays for our meals.

"Well, I was thinking we could do some homework." He says with a smile.

I start laughing at him and see him grin, "Well, not really homework but a project for my photography class. We are supposed to take pictures of people who embody beauty and inspiration.. I thought that you would be perfect."

"That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said. So, where is the photo shoot located?" I ask.

"I figured we could walk around and I could take shots of you at random." He says and I nod. We get his camera from his car and begin to walk around the city. It was surprisingly warm so I left my jacket in the car, no longer caring who saw my scars.

He snaps a shot of me as I lean against a brick wall. I start to laugh which causes him to take more. I make a funny pose which makes him laugh but still snaps a shot.

He moves in close until the camera is only a foot away from my face.

"Too close!" I laugh.

"It's perfect, smile." He says.

I grin at the camera and then start laughing again. This is so fun. I stick my tongue out and giggle then rest on a serious face.

We run around the city taking photos, I steal his camera and take some of him too as he makes girly poses.

He stands next to me and turns the camera around to point to the both of us. He presses his lips to my cheek and snaps the shot.

"I think we are set. Thank you so much." He says.

We walk back to his car and talk about the most random things. He makes me laugh and I make him laugh. I am so happy with him. 

We arrive at Lin's house and he parks the car and walks me to the front door. 

"I had an amazing night, thank you." I tell him. 

"I did too." He says with a smile. He reaches for my face and gently touches my cheek and presses his lips against mine. I deepen the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck while he presses his hand into the small of my back bringing me closer to him. 

I pull away from him and say, "Goodnight." 

"Goodnight," He whispers and walks back to his car and drives off. I lean against the door and run my fingers through my hair. My stomach is full of butterflies and I feel like I could run a marathon. He makes me feel alive. 

[Anthony's POV] 

I am laying in my bed listening to music when my phone rings. 

I sit up and look at the screen. It says that Rose is calling me. I guess I better answer it. 

"Hello?" I say in to the phone. 

"Mr. Ramos?" A deep voice says to me. 

"Yes, where is Rose?" I say.

"I'm sorry sir, she's been in an accident.." 

Hello everyone, um okay? what's going on? 

That was a cute date though right? I really love Ben, I want a Ben..

Did you like it? How about the ending of the chapter, omg.. Please comment what you think! 

Also, I have some news! I picked out the name of the sequel for 'Save Me'.. It will be called 'Saved' and I have so many amazing ideas for it and I think you guys are really going to like it. I already want to write it but I should probably finish this story first haha. I made 2 covers for it and I have no idea which one I want to use, if you want to help me out with deciding which one, message me on twitter (@ blakeaibhlinn) I will send you both of them and you tell me which one you prefer (: 

I love you.. 

- aibhlinn

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