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I woke up screaming, I quickly quieted down remembering that my foster parents might hear me. My heart beating out of my chest. I couldn't be strong anymore, I couldn't hold it in. I began to cry, no not cry, sob. The tears were endless and heavy.

I cried until there were no tears left. I was left in a heaving, breathless, swollen eyed mess. I was so exhausted from all the crying that I fell back into a sleep. The last thing that I thought of before falling asleep was, why didn't I let that man Lin help me?


My eyes opened slowly, struggling against the light. I desperately wanted to fall back asleep because despite the nightmares, it is a much better world than the one I live in consciously.

I roll out of bed and begin getting ready for the day. Showering, brushing me hair, and getting dressed, the usual routine.

I quickly ran downstairs to begin cooking John and Trish's breakfast. Although they don't have work today, they will wake up soon because they have church at 10 am until 11 am. They will probably be home at noon. Normally I would leave and go into the city but after yesterday's events I think I will just stay home today. I can't risk being caught breaking my foster parents rules again.

I hear two pairs of footsteps walking down the hall and into the kitchen.

"Good morning, here is your breakfast." I say looking down handing them both an omelette I had made a few minutes ago.

"I would normally never do this because I do not want you to embarrass us in public, but tonight you will have to come to lunch with Trish and I. The foster people want to have dinner to talk about how things have been going." John says to me.

Although I don't want to be with them at all, I guess if we are in public he won't be able to beat me.

"And you better say good things about us tonight or else." Trish threatens.

"Yes ma'am." I say quickly, "what time should I be ready?"

"noon" John answers.

With that, they stand up and leave the house for church.

I decided to do some homework, of course I left it all for Sunday instead of doing some on Saturday. Typical Olivia.

I had an essay for English, a page of problems for pre-calculus, and some reading for AP world history.

My essay was easy to write and came easily, it was a personal opinion writing assignment. We had to write about something controversial and give our own opinions. I was assigned the right to bear arms. A had already started earlier this week so it didn't take me very long to finish.

Next I went through my pre-calc problems swiftly. Math came easily to me so I didn't have any trouble on it.

Then I began reading the three chapters of reading and taking notes as I read.

It was almost noon when I finished all of my work along with some procrastination like always.

I was starving but decided against sneaking some food from the kitchen knowing that I would have an opportunity to eat in a little bit.

John and Trish should be home any minute to go out to lunch. I was nervous every, I hope that I won't do anything that will anger them and result in a beating.

I will be quiet, polite, and most importantly. I will lie.

When the foster director asks me if my life with John and Trish is happy, I will nod and smile. If he asks if I am treated well, I will nod and smile again. I will lie and say my life is perfect because I don't know what would even happen if it wasn't. Would they take me away or would they let John and Trish try again?

The front door opens and I hear John scream at me to get downstairs and in the car.

I oblige and hop into the back of the car. It is an awkward car ride without anyone talking to me. I space out and gaze out of the window until we arrive at the restaurant.

It is small and near all of the Broadway theaters. It isn't very busy either which is nice.

We walk in and the waiter begins to lead us to the back of the restaurant. All three of us sit down with a woman with a notebook open next to her.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Janet. Let's order shall we?" she says.

The waiter comes back and I order some chicken Alfredo pasta.

The woman asks lots of questions about life at home. Just as I planned, I lie the entire time. Oh yes, they are very kind. Yes they give me enough food. Yes I have a comfortable bed and room.

I almost done with my meal when I look up and see a group of people sitting at a table near the bathrooms and one of them is looking right at me.

Hello everyone, this is a slightly boring chapter but it is a filler/transition. It will be more interesting next chapter.

Who do you think is looking at Olivia?

I am so happy that you guys are being active on my story, it makes me so motivated to write! literally every time I see a new vote or comment I smile uncontrollably (:

- aibhlinn

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