eighty six

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"I love you, Lin." She whispers.

"I love you, more." I say back.


[Chris's POV]

Upon arriving at the hospital, I race through the halls to find Olivia's room. Sighing deeply before pushing open the door I find her body lying limply on the bed.

I walk over to her and examine how pale and lifeless she looks. Her breathing tube makes me feel nauseous, she can't even breathe on her own! This is nothing like Grey's Anatomy.

The door opens and a nurse walks in. He looks surprised to see me and says, "Oh, I am sorry sir, I didn't mean to interrupt but I have to check her stats. Are you family?"

"Yes. Well, no. Kind of. It's a long story.." I tell him.

He chuckles and walks over to Olivia, I sit down in a chair next to her bed and watch him scurry around looking at the machines connected to her body.

"Is she going to be ok?" I ask him nervously. Do I really want to know the real answer?

"She is in bad shape, her body needs time to heal so it could be a while before she wakes up. Days, weeks, months... She suffered from multiple internal injuries. We have to remain hopeful but also remember that she may not survive." He tells the truth, I kind of wish he hadn't.

I swallow a lump in my throat and nod.

"And Anthony? The man she was with?" I ask him.

"He's is doing well, has minimal injuries but will make a full recovery. The car must've been hit in a very lucky spot for him to get out of this with so little injuries. A miracle really." He says.

Lucky? Seriously? Sure, Anthony is fine but Olivia might die. How is that lucky?

"Do you have any idea where his room is?" I ask.

"Down the hall, room 4312. I just came from there, he is still awake if you want to visit."

"Thank you so much." I say to him and leave. I need to go talk to Anthony and then I will come back and be with Olivia.

I walk down the hallway, going over the things I am going to talk to Anthony about.

The door creaks as I open it to find Anthony propped up in bed watching TV. His left leg has a cast on it, he is connected to a few bags, he doesn't nearly look as scary as Olivia.

"Chris? What are you doing here?" He asks, I want to roll my eyes when he opens his mouth. How dare he be completely fine and Olivia fighting every second to stay alive.

"I just came from Olivia's room, she is in terrible shape, all thanks to you. How could you let her get hurt?" My voice raises at him.

"Chris, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, the car.. It came out of nowhere! The snow blocked all visibility!" He defends himself.

"You were supposed to keep her safe, how could we have ever trusted you with her? You are just an immature young boy with no thoughts of responsibility!" I throw my words at him, he winces as if they actually pain him.

"I keep replaying that night in my head and I would give everything to swap positions with her." He says looking down.

"You should've been the one that got hurt, not her." I say quietly, it hurts my heart to say it but it's the truth. Anthony no longer fights to keep the tears held back, instead they drip down his face.

"Chris.. You can't seriously think this is my fault?" He mutters. It breaks my heart to see him hurt like this, Anthony has always been like a son to me. But it hurts more to see Olivia the way she is.

"You were supposed to keep her safe. You failed her, Anthony." I say, heat flickers at my tongue.

"I'm so sorry!" He yells at me. "I would never purposely hurt Olivia, I love her!"

"We all love her! But you are the one that let her get hurt on your watch!" I yell back.

The door swings open and the nurse rushes in and ushers me out of the room. I don't listen to anything he is saying, I just leave Anthony's room as fast as I can. I go back to siting at Olivia's side.

I grab her hand and lean my head on the bed and whisper these words to whatever God is listening in hopes that he will protect Olivia, "Stay alive, Olivia. Please, just... Keep fighting, Sweetheart."

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed! Sorry it is so short but my brain is empty :/

Hope you have a wonderful day or night (:

- aibhlinn

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