ninety seven

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"I know.." He says and looks away. We sit in silence again for a moment but then desperately cling to each other and lock our lips together so that there is less than an inch between our warm bodies. 


[Olivia's POV]

My heart was fluttering around in my chest so intensely that I thought it would stop all together. We kissed. He told me that he loves me. Does he actually love me? How could someone as successful and attractive as Anthony even look my way? I'm just Olivia, the poor girl who was saved from her abusive home by Lin Manuel Miranda. 

After we get back to his apartment, we sit on his couch and he holds me in his arms. My head rests on his chest and he is drawing little patterns on my arm with his fingers. The light touch makes my heart race, he can probably hear the way it is booming inside my chest. Thanks a lot Anthony, you are going to send me into heart failure. 

"How is this going to work?" I ask him. 

"I don't know, let's not think about that right now." He responds, kissing the top of my head. 

"What do you mean, Anthony? This is a big deal! What if Lin finds out and the fans and-" 

"Hey, hey.. Olivia. It's okay, it's all going to be okay." He says, stroking the top of my head. "Shhh, it's all going to be okay, my love." 

I don't say anything after that but inside I was having a full blown panic attack. The only reason I was stay calm was because I was safe in Anthony's arms. I'm so fragile and I hate it. 

Oh God.. Spencer. What am I going to do? I'm not going to see her for two whole weeks! How am I supposed to be with Anthony but still be with her? I have to break up with her.  I feel so bad though, I have already let her down once before. But I know that it is wrong for me to pretend to like her even though I don't, it just isn't fair. 

Anthony continues to trace soothing patterns on my exposed shoulder, brushing away my hair so that the back of my neck is exposed. His touch sends chills through my body. He kisses the back of my neck and I lace my fingers with his. Why is everything in my life so complicated? I'm not trying to be a little brat but it is no secret that I have not had an easy life. And the first time I fall in love it is with someone I can never be with. Maybe I can be with him but how? 

"Remember when we first met?" I asked him. 

"How could I forget that?" He says, his lips grazing the back of my neck giving me chills once again. "You were hiding from the cast and I was the one that found you. You looked so scared and helpless but look at who you have turned into. You are strong, talented, intelligent, kind, and forgiving. Olivia, you are perfect."

"Stop.." I say embarrassed. "I am far from perfect." 

"You are perfect in my eyes." He tells me.

I turn around and look at him, he brushes my hair out of my face. I kiss him softly, this has to be the last kiss and I am going to enjoy it. My arms wrap around his neck as I deepen the kiss, his arms wrap around my small waist. 

"I love you." I say between contact. 

"I love you." He repeats. 

"I have to go." I whisper. 

"Stay." He asks me, running his fingers along my arms. 

"I shouldn't." I tell him. "I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"Okay." He says, helping me up off the couch. 

"Goodnight Anthony." I say, lingering at the doorway. 

"Goodnight Olivia." He says back. 

Hello everyone, so basically I am in love with Anthony and Olivia and all I want to do is write chapters being all cute and in love with I need to stop myself. I think I have a problem. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. ok. 

Anyways something crazy happened... I HIT 100 THOUSAND READS OMG!! You guys are seriously the greatest readers and this is all thanks to you. I can't believe my story even got a single read let alone this much. I'm just an annoying girl who sits in her room and writes mediocre stories. 

Love you.

- aibhlinn

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