sixty nine

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The wind flies through my hair, a tears fall from my eyes. Anthony reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear and after wiping a tear from my cheek he cups the side of my face in his hands and asks me, "What's wrong, love?"

"Anthony.. I-I was raped tonight."


[Anthony's POV]

He raped her. He touched her. He violate her innocent body. The thought of it makes my stomach turn, my lungs struggle to find breath. My hand falls from her tear stained cheek. I watch another tear fall from her eyes. Her eyes used to shine as if the entire galaxy lived inside them, now their normal vibrant green color is dulled.

My lungs begin to burn, I open my mouth to say something but it just quivers and I shut it. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes but I keep them in so that I can be strong for Olivia. My sweet Olivia. She has never hurt anyone, sure she has made mistakes in the past but so has everyone. She has already gone through so much that she didn't deserve. God, how could anyone do this to her.

I reach my arm out and lightly wrap it around her back, pulling her body into mine. Her small arms wrap around my waist, one of my arms around her back the other stroking her hair as she cries into my chest. Her body shakes in waves, small and almost unnoticeable but then a tsunami as another sob audibly leaves her mouth. I find myself catching my breath and saying, "It's going to be ok, I got you." She lets out another cry, gripping my body with her fingers, pulling me closer to her.

I feel her pain as she shakes in my arms and cries out. My heart aches, my lungs burn, I want to hurt whoever did this to her. Make them realize that they have hurt a mockingbird. That they have touched the most important person in my life. My anger boils in my chest, I have to remind myself to breathe again.

My whole body forgets what to do. My voice forgets how to speak, my lungs forget how to breathe, my heart forgets to beat. We stood there for a while, her head on my chest and my fingers in her hair, the wind whistling through our 2 bodies that were clinging to each other.

She pulled apart, her body was barely shaking but her face was blotchy and glistening with tears but yet she still looked like the night sky; pure, simple, and beautiful.

"Who did this to you?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"I don't know, it was dark and um.." She looked down, I grabbed both of her hands and wrapped my own around them. "How am I going to tell Lin?" She asked, her voice quivered.

"With strength and I will be there to hold your hand the entire time." I replied.

I brought her back inside the theater and into her bedroom. I took her into the bathroom and picked her up and sat her on the counter. Grabbing a washcloth and wetting it, I gently wiped it around her eyes to remove her streaked makeup. I cleaned off all of her makeup then went back into her room and grabbed her a t-shirt and shorts for her to wear. I handed them to her and left the room so that she could change.

She came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, her t-shirt was so long that it went past her shorts and the sleeves ended at her elbow. She looked so small, defeated, alone. I wanted to hold her in my arms and protect her from all that is bad in this world.

She laid down in her bed and I pulled the covers up to her chin. I was walking to the door to leave, I shut off the light when she said, "Will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone.."

"Of course." I said, walking back over to her bed. She moved over so that I could have room to get in.

Her bed was kind of small so our bodies weren't that far apart from each other. Our heads were maybe 6 inches apart. In the darkness, I could just barely see her silhouette. I found her hand and laced my fingers with hers, I leaned forward and kissed her forehead softly leaving my lips on her skin for a few seconds.

We fell asleep to the sounds of our breathing and using each others heat because of the cold air that was coming through the open window that none of us wanted to get up and close it.

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter despite it being kind of sad. I really enjoyed writing in Anthony's POV.

He kissed her forehead.. Ok. How do you feel about that? I am scared to update this now.

I wrote this while I was in St. Louis in a notebook and I am now transferring all the chapters I wrote on the trip onto my computer and it is exhausting and very boring.

I love you very much.

- aibhlinn

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