twenty five

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"I'm ok. You're ok. Everything is ok now." He whispers in my ear. I slip away from Lin and Anthony pulls me into a hug.

His strong arms comfort me, his hands running through my hair. I am shaking so badly.

"It's ok baby, you're ok. You are safe now. I got you." He says to me.


[Olivia's POV]

I feel numb. I can't feel anything. Hope, relief, happiness, it just wasn't there.

The events of last night have affected me so horribly. I am scared to leave my room for fear that someone would come and take me again.

John and Trish were taken into custody, they will serve time in jail but still I feel unsafe.

I was so angry at them. Everything was going to change for me. I was going to have a new family, a place to live in, I would be safe from pain. They took me away from not and now I am terrified that it is going to happen again.

After I was found last night, it was about 3 in the morning. Anthony took me to his apartment because he knew that I would be too scared to be on my own. I couldn't sleep. I was too afraid that someone would come and take me again.

I sat alone in Anthony's bed, he was on the couch. I cried for a while. I hate how weak I was. They were silent tears but they were heavy. They were the type of tears that make your head hurt and your body shake. The ones that make your eyes hurt and make it hard to breathe. They are the worst.

I lied to Anthony and told him that I was fine and would be ok to go back to the theater tonight, I didn't want to be a bother to him.

But here I am, looking through my window, too afraid to fall asleep.

I heard a knock at the door, my body froze. The door slowly opened to reveal Lin, he was still in costume from tonight's show. I thought it was someone coming to kidnap me again.

"Are you ok?" He asks, walking towards me.

"Ya." I lied, "I'm probably going to go to bed soon."

"Ok. Look, I know that it is hard right now. I know that you're afraid. But you don't have to be. We have security systems set up all over the theater now so no one will be able to get in. But if you want you can stay at my house tonight, or I can take you to Anthony's or anyone from the cast really.." He says to me.

"No, I'll be fine. I need to face the fear and get over it. I need to be strong. I'm almost 16 so.." I explain.

"When's your birthday?" He asks. I had to think for a minute. I haven't celebrated it in years. I knew it was coming up through.

"June 16th." I tell him once I remember. The last birthday I celebrated was with my family, 5 years ago.

"That's tomorrow!" He exclaimed looking surprised.

"Oh, I guess I haven't really looked at a calendar in a while." I say. "I usually don't celebrate birthdays anyways."

"Olivia, what's your last name? They have been using Hall in your foster case, but I know that you don't like going by those peoples name." He asks.

"Ya I hate that they used Hall, I don't want to be associated with those people. My real last name is Orion. Olivia Ray Orion." I tell him.

"Thank you for telling me. Vanessa said that we will probably gain your rights soon. I'm going to make sure that they use your real last name once we gain custody." He says.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate that because I have been going by so many different last names and I hate it. I miss that connection to my family, and well I just.. I don't know how to explain it. Thank you." I say.

He nods and says, "Well, I should probably head home. Are you sure you're going to be ok?"

"Ya, I'll be fine." I say. "Good night."

"Night." He says closing the door behind him.

Hello everyone. Hope you enjoyed, give it a vote and a comment if you did (:

- aibhlinn

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