seventy four

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I smile and say, "That actually sounds really fun."

"I'll text Lin." Anthony says.


[Olivia's POV]

"It's your turn, Olivia"

Lin, Carleigh, Thayne, Gregory, Andrew, Anthony, and I were bowling.

I stepped up to bowl, I had so much on my plate. Anthony and Spencer, but mainly Spencer.

I never knew that she had a crush on me? 'But it did happen' Her voice rang in my head.

It wouldn't go away

I sat at the ice cream parlor, watching the good friends as they bowled. As I sat there, I went over the past five months.

Meeting Anthony. The first time I heard Jasmine sing. Happiness for the first time in my life. The hustle and bustle of the fast paced life of Broadway.

Jasmine and Anthony breaking up.

My heart broke again, I wish she was here.

"What's up, Olivia?" Anthony asks.

"Oh, nothing" I yawned

"Let's get out of here" He pulled my backpack on to my body.

We strolled down the quiet peaceful streets of New York. I thought to myself, 'New York will never be this quiet, again.

Anthony nudged me, "What are you thinking about, Olivia?"

I knew if I spilled on my whole Spencer deal, I would cry. I didn't want to look at me with that same look he always did. You know the look, right? His curls falling in front of his face, His eyes pressing into my soul.

I know it's all a game to him, I think he sees me as just as this pathetic girl. I mean he wasn't wrong, I am pathetic.

"Olivia?" He chuckled, he unlocked the door to his place.

He started some hot tea, as I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around my body. It seemed to be my natural look recently.

"Do you think I'm pathetic?" I ask him.

[Anthony's POV]

Why would she ask that? She has become my favorite person and best friend. How could she think that she is pathetic?

I know she has had a lot on her plate, I worry about her all the time.

"No, of course not. " I tell her, I walk over to where she was sitting on the couch, "Why would you think that, Olivia?"

I looked in her lap, she had her phone. Twitter was pulled up, I grabbed it from her. I ran my fingers through her Twitter.

Hate Comments.

I love the Hamilton fandom and the fans, but sometimes they can be really rude to our cast and now Olivia.

I mean they have attacked Javi, Chris, Andrew, Seth. I just can't believe they would attack Olivia, she's not even apart of the cast.

"Screw them, Olivia"

She just laughed a sad laugh, I put her phone on the mantle.

"Anthony, can I have my phone back?"

"No, you don't need these hate comments In your life," I told her, "Go to bed, clear your head"

She just gave me the 'Are you even kidding me, Anthony' look.

I hugged her. My head over her body, she just seemed so fragile.

"We love you. All of us."

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed. Give a like and a comment if you did.

Anyways, I hope you have a spectacular day. I love you.

- aibhlinn

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