eighty seven

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The door swings open and the nurse rushed in and ushers me out of the room. I don't listen to anything he is saying and I go back to siting at Olivia's side, holding her hand and praying.


[Olivia's POV]

My eyes flutter open, they burn as they adjust to the harsh lights above me. Where am I? Where is Anthony?

I sit up and look around to see that I am in a hospital room. Chris is sitting in a chair beside the bed I am laying in, his body draped onto the bed as he snores lightly.

"Chris?" I say as I tap his shoulder to wake him up. I repeat myself louder but he doesn't stir, he just continues to snore as if I am not even touching him. I sigh and lay on my back again in defeat.

What happened? Why am I in a hospital?

I attempt to wake Chris up again, shaking him roughly but his body doesn't even move an inch.

I huff and cross my arms in annoyance, why isn't he waking up?

The door swings open and in walks Lin and a doctor. Lin looks in my direction before grimacing and looking away.

"Lin! I'm here, I'm ok!" I shout to him but he doesn't notice me just like Chris.

"Chris." Lin says resting a hand on the sleeping man's shoulder.

Chris wakes up quickly and stands beside Lin and the doctor.

"There was bleeding in the brain when she came in which we successfully stopped but that is why it may take her a while to wake up. There were several shattered bones in her left wrist and hand which should heal just fine, we casted it to keep it still." The doctor explains.

What does he mean when he says it might be awhile before I wake up? I'm awake right now. Are they blind?

I stand up out of the hospital bed and turn around. The sight I see makes my stomach drop and my vision begins to blur. I am laying in the bed but I don't look like me. I have the same features but I am bruised and have a tube in my throat, I look terrifying.

Panic ripples through my body and I fall to the floor. No! Does this mean I am going to die?

I thought these kind of things only happened in cheesy romance movies? Oh god I can't believe this is happening to me.

Where is Anthony? Is he ok? I really hate not being able to talk right now.

Lin sits in the chair next to my bed and grabs my hand, well my body's hand. I swear I can feel it but I know I am just imagining it.

"I love you, Olivia. Keep fighting baby girl."' He says to me.

Lin, I miss you. Please save me.

Hello everyone, this was outrageously cheesy but what can I say? Hope you enjoyed though!

I have a mental breakdown a solid twice a day because of school so hahaha that's why I haven't updated. I'm really sorry.

- aibhlinn

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