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I definitely do not have a typical high school life, I mean I am doing calculus homework while a live musical is being played below my room.

I finished my homework and fell into a deep sleep in my chair.


[Olivia's POV]

Lin still didn't know about the 3 liquor bottles in my closet, I can't decide whether or not to give them to him. I feel like it might just make him more upset with me, I don't want that. I am so ashamed of myself right now. Lin took me in despite all of my problems and now I am just acting like an annoying child.

I put the bottles back in their hiding spot and continued to get ready for school. I put on a long sleeve black crop top and a pair of light wash mom jeans, I slipped into my black high top converse.

I applied my go to makeup and brushed me teeth, I left my long curly hair natural and down.

I fed my dog and I had a glass of water. My phone began blowing up with messages from my ride who was early.



Jazz : I got coffees


I laughed and yelled goodbye to Lin and went outside and hoped in Jazzy's car.

"Took you long enough.." She said dramatically. "I've been waiting for ages."

"I said 7:45, you are like 15 min early Jazz." I said to here, buckling up and grabbing the coffee she bought me.

"Oh.. Just disregard those messages." She said. She pulled out of her parking spot, I haven't driven with Jazzy since like July and I was already nervous because she had missed the lines in the parking spot, she had parked on top of one of them.

She pulled out into one of the streets, just missing another car. She grimaced and continued to drive.

"So, what's up?" She asked, sipping her coffee.

"Jazz, 2 hands on the wheel please.. You're kind of scaring me." I joked with her.

"Ha ha." She said sarcastically. "Speaking of being scared, I am scared that Anthony is moving on from me.."

"Why do you say that? I am sure that's not true." I say.

"He has been so distant lately, what if he has moved on to someone else?" She nervously says.

"Jazzy. Anthony loves you, there is no doubt in that. Maybe he is just dealing with something. Besides, who else would he be interested in?" I ask.

"I hope your right." She says. I smile reassuringly to her.

She suddenly honks the horn at a car. "Hey! It was my turn to go!" She yells.

We arrive at the school and I groan getting out of the car.

"Wanna ditch and go to the mall?" Jazz yells from the car. Why does the cast always want me to ditch?

"Tempting, but I have like 65 tests today so I have to pass. See you tonight!" I smile and walk up to the school.

I walk into my first period and sit in my seat, surprisingly Spencer doesn't say anything to me. I realize now that I didn't cut yesterday, I am one day clean!

Class doesn't start for another five minutes so I pulled out my phone to type a message.

Me : It's been awhile, want to record a cover after school? I miss doing it.

Lin <3 : Absolutely, I will be ready when you get home! Guitar or Piano?

Me : Guitar (:

My phone buzzed, it was a Twitter notification from Lin.

Lin_Manuel : "Happy to have my ray of sunshine back (: @OliviaOrion"

I smiled and put my phone away as the bell rang.

I went through my school day and I wasn't lying when I said I had a ton of tests, I swear like every class was giving one. I think I did pretty well on them since I had studied for so long last night.

During the performances I have to be really quiet so they can't hear me, I usually just sleep or read but I decided to do school work. 3 hours of studying = good test scores. I am so thankful that my dog doesn't bark, how weird would that be if during 'It's Quiet Uptown' you just heard barking during it?

Jazzy picked me up right on time unlike this morning. She chatted my ear off as she drove back to the theater. I was focused on something else.

"What are you thinking about? I just told the most amazing joke and you just sat there moving your fingers around." She asked.

"Oh, sorry Jazz. I am just making sure I know the chords to the song I am covering when I get home." I explain.

"Omg! You are covering today? I have to watch! I always hear about them but never make it on the broadcast in time!" She yells.

"Uh, I guess you could sit in Lin's room while we record.." I offer.

"Yes yes yes!" She yells. I laugh and smile. I go through the song in my head once more until we arrive home.

We head up to Lin's dressing room, he was already in there chatting on the broadcast.

"I am here!" Jazz sings as she twirls into the room. "Olivia, do your thing!"

I laugh and sit down on a chair with Lin's guitar.

"As promised, Olivia will be doing another cover. Enjoy!" Lin says, he turns the camera to face me.

I began to strum the guitar, Jazz's face is priceless she looks so excited.

I open my mouth and softly sing, "Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you. And everything you do. Ya they were all yellow.."

I sang the rest of the song, Jazz let out a few squeals every now and then.

Lin turned the camera back around and said goodbye to the viewers. "Ugh, I never know how to turn this thing off.. Oh I got it!"

Hello everyone, just another happy chapter because you guys have been asking for them. Hope you enjoyed.

Do you think Spencer is going to chill out with Olivia or no?

Comment if you know the song Olivia was singing! It's one of my favorites (:

- aibhlinn

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