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Lucas and Maya were outside Topanga's bakery by themselves. Lucas had called Maya that he needed to talk to her in private and to meet him in Topanga's.

"Okay, huckleberry. What did you need to talk about? You sounded really scared when you called me. Is everything okay, Lucas?" Maya asked worried for Lucas looked nervous.

"You just called me, Lucas." Lucas replied with a nervous chuckle. "You know that I know your real name, huckleberry. So tell me what's wrong?" Maya asked again worried that Lucas is in trouble. Lucas held Maya hand gently. Which confused Maya on why Lucas did that.

"Maya, I been keeping a secret from you since Texas. Everyone knows expect you for they thought is was better that I told you. Instead of them telling you and I'll understand if you don't want to be friends. Because Riley basically ended are friendship when Chai told her. But she's slowly forgiving me." Lucas said as he looked at Maya who looked scared.

"Lucas, what's going on? What did you do!" Maya asked but all she received was a disappointed Lucas.

"Okay, when you were in a coma for the damage that tombstone did to you. Riley blamed me for it was my fault because I let you ride tombstone. I was allowed to visit you finally because Riley wouldn't let me. I would tell you how sorry I am and how it should be in a coma and then I was reminded of all our memories including the campfire and then I kissed you." Lucas revealed to Maya.

"Okay, so you kissed in my forehead I don't see what's the..." Maya stopped when she noticed Lucas expression and instantly knew that Lucas kissed her on the lips. Maya yanked her hands away from Lucas and stared at him with betrayal.

"Lucas, why would you kiss me? You know I'm engaged to Riley and I don't swing that way! What we're you thinking?" Maya said particularly screaming.

"I don't know, okay. Look during the Rilaya/Chaya love triangle. I had a tiny crush on you and seeing you on the hospital bed I decided to kiss you since I was never going to tell you about my feelings..." Lucas was cut off by Maya.

"Lucas if this is going to be another love triangle. It won't last long like the other two. It's Riley and it will always be her! So, I'm sorry Lucas but I don't like you in that way.

"I know you don't, Maya! I see the way you look at Riley it's like she's your entire universe and nothing matters. And then when I see you and Scott and Riley together. The three of you look like a family. Maya, I would never get in the way of you and Riley happiness. I just wanted you to know that I kissed you and I'll understand if you don't want to be friends anymore." Lucas said with sadness as he looked at Maya who was avoiding Lucas stare.

"Thank you, Lucas. For being honest and telling me about that the kiss and your feelings. The two of us have been friends since middle school and though I hate that you kissed me without permission. I forgive you, Lucas. Everyone deserves an second chance." Maya replied with a smile smile that Lucas returned and they spend the rest of the day talking about school and wedding plans.

What to expect
Love interest
Return to....
Wedding plans

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