Maya Sacrifice

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Clara and Rebel stared at Maya while ignoring the rest of Maya's friends. For their main attention was focused on Maya.

"What do the two of you want? More importantly how the hell do the two of you know each other?" Maya asked.

Both Rebel and Clara smirked at Maya while Maya stared at them with a serious face thinking that something bad is going to happen.

"I'm surprised you don't remember me Hart. I mean we met each other when we were kids." Rebel said. Maya was confused for she only met Rebel in the seventh grade when he nominated Farkle as class president. Rebel seeing the confused look decided to give Maya a few hints.

"Remember, when Clara introduced you and Renee to her cousin who was visiting? Do you remember who the cousin was? Because if I remember correctly the two of you bonded." Rebel said smirking as he saw the realization on Maya's face.

"Brandon! That was the name of Clara cousin. Your Brandon!" Maya said shocked. "I gotta say Hart, when Clara told me that you ditched us for Dorothy. I was shocked but mostly betrayed! Then, came seventh grade and we have the same history class and you didn't even recognize me! The only thing you cared about was Riley! She was always your main propriety even during the class election!" Rebel said with anger.

"Are you serious! Clara, are still holding a grudge just because I stopped being friends with you and Renee!" Maya said angrily and then Maya noticed that someone was missing, "Wait, where's Renee?" Maya said.

Clara and Rebel scoffed when they heard Renee name. "She left us. She found herself a good influence that made her see theirs good in her." Clara said in annoyed voice.

"So, your now going to hold a grudge against Renee? Because, she met someone that saw the goodness in her and is showing her the right path!" Maya said disgusted.

"No, were not going to hold a grudge against, Renee. The only one we're holding a grudge against is you! For ditching is for Dorothy!" Clara said angrily. Rebel then noticed Chai and how she looked familiar.

"The two of you are acting like such babies! So, what! Maya left you once she met Riley!" Chai said angrily. Maya instantly grabbed Chai hand knowing that Clara was now focused on Chai.

Clara stared at Chai angrily and noticed the same thing that Rebel noticed. "Now, I remember where I seen your face. Your Hart girlfriend." Chai chuckled. This shocked everyone besides Rebel for how does Clara know about their relationship.

"I still remember that heart felt speech Maya said to you when she confessed her feelings towards you." Clara smirked. "Do you remember it, Rebel?" Clara asked Rebel.

"Yeah, it went like this. Chai even though I only known you for a few days. I can tell you anything and talk to you about anything. Just like I did when we went to Night Hawk Diner and when we went to the Brooklyn Museum we talked all night. Even though we only spent a few times together, and known each other for a little. I started developing feelings for you, but I was scared to tell you because I thought you didn't like me and you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore. But it wasn't till you kissed me I knew you must like me, just like I like you. Chai you were my first kiss and I also want you to be my first girlfriend. Chai I can't hide my feelings for you anymore! I like you, I like you a lot and I never felt this way about anybody. So, Chai, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" Rebel said mimicking Maya as he looked at both Maya and Chai who were shock.

"How do you know... what I told Chai? Nobody knows what I said to Chai expect for Chai and I!" Maya asked.

"We we're here when you asked her. We saw you seating in the bench and where going to confront you when your girlfriend showed up, and when Maya saw her girlfriend approaching the first thing she did was kiss her!" Clara said in anger.

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