Telling their Sexuality

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The six friends walked into Topanga's after school and took their usual seats. They ordered smoothies, which Lucas took from the waitress and handed out to the group.
"Today's Health Class was interesting. Especially that assignment," said Zay as they all began their homework. Everyone nodded in agreement.
Riley spoke next, "I think it's a great lesson. I've never really thought about it before and now we all get to discover our true sexuality. What do you all identify as? We don't have any secrets from each other right? We can be honest about this."
"I'm heterosexual," said Farkle. "Learning about the different sexualities in class today assured me of it."
"Me too," added Zay.
"Same here, heterosexual," said Lucas next.
"I am also heterosexual. What about you, Riley?" asked Smackle.
Riley smiled and replied, her voice ringing with confidence, "I'm bisexual and proud of it!"
Farkle, Smackle, Zay, and Lucas all stared at her for a second, surprised. "I'm proud of you, Riley, for finding that out about yourself and for being proud of it. You'll always be the same Riley we know and care about," said Farkle breaking the silence. The other three nodded in agreement.
During this exchange Maya sat still, staring into space. They all turned to her, waiting for her to comment on the conversation. "What about you, Peaches? What's your sexuality?" Riley shook her gently on the shoulder to get her attention.
"What? What happened?"
Riley had worried look on her face, "I asked you what your sexuality was."
Maya's expression changed from confusion to fear, but quickly hid it. She did her best to muster up a casual tone, "Heterosexual! Yup, I'm heterosexual."
The rest of the friends shared a worried look for Maya, all sensing how odd she was acting.
"Maya," asked Lucas, "are you feeling ok? You are acting strange."
The blonde quickly got up from her seat, "I'm fine Huckleberry. I'm just a little tired. I think I'll head home."
"Are you still coming over for dinner?" Riley called after her before she left.
Maya quickly nodded as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and ran out of the cafe.
                             Maya POV
Maya had been in such a hurry to leave because she knew if she hadn't Riley would have insisted on walking her home. 'I couldn't tell them I'm a lesbian', Maya thought to herself.
She had known she had feelings for girls for a while, she tried to hide them. Surely something was wrong with her for feeling that way. During class, as Mr. Fannucci explained heterosexuality she realized she really had no interest in men. She was not ready to come out to her friends yet, so she lied.
Maya was so absorbed in her thought she didn't see the person in her path. BANG. She slammed right into a brunette blur. Both her and the other person fell to the ground, dropping their books.
"I'm so sorry," Maya said as she helped the other person pick up their things. "I wasn't looking where I was going and didn't see you!"
She looked up and was surprised to see who she had just ran into.
"Hey, Maya. It's been a while."

Who did Maya run into that shocked her?

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