Brooklyn Museum

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They finally arrived and Maya was shocked about where Chai decided to take her. Maya turned towards Chai. "Are we seriously here!?" Chai nodded. "I remember you told me how much you love art, and that you wanted to come here. So here we are. Besides I know someday your art will be here as well." Chai told Maya in a confident voice.

Maya just stared at Chai, for only Ms. Kossal, the Matthews, her parents, including Riles and her friends believed in her. Now, Chai who she has only known for three days, and already believed in her. Maya then remembered what Matthews taught them in eighth grade.

"People change people. The secret of life." Ever since they started hanging out, Chai has turned into a different person. Perhaps it's because of her. Maya smiled at Chai. "Thank you for bringing me to "Brooklyn Museum." Maya told Chai with excitement in her voice and they walked inside holding hands.

Chai paid for the tickets even though Maya told her she could pay half but Chai wouldn't hear of it, and paid for both tickets. They went inside the museum and Maya was amazed by all the art that was here. She was like a little kid who was inside the candy store and was told she could have as much candy as she wanted.

Maya dragged Chai to a painting that caught her interest. The painting was The Edge of Doom. It was painted by Samuel Colman, the artist of the ultimate disaster, the destruction of the world. Lightning was practically suited for evoking the emotions of awe and terror associated with the Sublime notion of nature.

It strikes erratically, blasting classical buildings, carriages, paintings, and even time to create a central glowing void. All that survived is the memorial sculpture of William Shakespeare.

As Maya and Chai looked at the painting, Chai couldn't help but ask, "So why did this painting catch your attention?" She asked in a curious tone. Maya shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know, I saw the painting and I wanted to see it close up. I think it caught my attention because perhaps I can relate"

I think it's because I've always said that "Hope is for suckers." As Maya kept looking at the painting. Chai responded, "Hope isn't for suckers. Maya you have amazing friends, that believe in you and are always there for you. Not many people have that."

"You also have two parents that love you and are there for you, not to mention the Matthews see you as their daughter."

As Chai said that, Maya thought of her friends, family, and the Matthews, especially Riley who always believed in her and made her see that hope isn't for suckers, and believes in her, and is always there for her in her time of need.

Maya nodded, "Your right Chai. I guess seeing this painting brought back on what I used to believe in." They both walked away from the painting and continued to look at other paintings such as Lake George, Landscape, and Marshlands. They continued to look at paintings for the entire day, until it was time for the museum to close.

Maya and Chai decided to eat once again at Night Hawk Diner, for that's the place where it all began. They both ordered the Tuna Melt. As they waited they talked about the paintings. Well, mainly Maya and Chai listened, she even asked Maya questions, like what she thought of the paintings, and what the artist was trying to say.

Maya answered every question with excitement, and they once again stayed up all night talking again while holding hands. They finally realized it was morning when Maya saw the sunshine on Chai once again. Maya chuckled, "Looks like we stayed up all night talking again." Maya said as she smiled. "We also held hands once again." Chai showing their interwind hands together.

Maya laughed, "Yeah, it's like anytime we come here, we always stay up and talk?" Maya said in confused tone. Chai shrugged her shoulders. "But I'm glad I got to stay up and talk to you again all night, because you're the only person I could be truly honest with and tell anything to." Chai told Maya with a smile on her face.

"Well I'm glad that I'm the person you could tell anything to." Maya said while blushing but also smiling. They both smiled at each other, looking at each other in the eyes. Maya decided to ask Chai a question. "So later on my friends and I were heading to the movies, and I was wondering if you wanted to come as well?" Maya asked in a nervous voice.

Chai was shocked that Maya asked her that, for there's not doubt that her friends dislike her from what she did in their freshman year. "I don't know Maya; I know without a doubt that your friends dislike me. I rather not come."

Maya shook her head. "Chai you're my friend and I love hanging out with you, and they gotta understand that. If they don't like you, it's not gonna stop me from being your friend." Maya told Chai in a confident voice.

Chai nodded. Maya smiled. "Great, I'll pick you up at six. Come on and let me drop you off at your house." Maya held out her hand and Chai grabbed it. They finally arrived to Chai's apartment. "Thanks for taking me to the Brooklyn Museum."

"It's no problem. I had a great time, seeing all the wonderful paintings." Chai smiled. Maya said goodbye to Chai. As chai opened the door, Maya came back and kissed her on the cheek, Maya smiled "Remember I'm picking you up at six." Maya walked away smiling and Chai smiled at Maya's retreating figure.

What do you think so far of Maya and Chai?
How will the gang react when Maya tells them about her friendship with Chai?
Next chapter is called movies, sleepovers, kisses

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