Movies, Sleepovers, Kisses

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Maya walked inside her apartment and was headed to her room, when a voice stopped her. "Can you tell me where you were all night?" Maya turned around and saw Shawn sitting on the couch chair, facing Maya. Maya thought that her mom told Shawn that she was hanging out with Chai. "Hey, Shawn. Didn't expect you to be up." Maya chuckled nervously. "Well I'm up because you didn't come back home last night! I also didn't know where you were at. " Katy knew but she decided best that you tell me. So what is it?" Shawn asked in anger, as well as mixture of concern. Maya realized that her mom didn't tell Shawn the whole truth, for she should be the one to tell him. Maya took a deep breath and explained everything once again. Shawn sat there and listened to what Maya told him.

After Maya finished telling Shawn the truth, Shawn got up and faced Maya. Maya had the same feeling when she told her mom everything. Then, Shawn hugged her tightly and Maya did the same, "Thank you Maya, for telling me the truth. Thank you for trusting me. I'm so proud of you Maya, and you'll always be my daughter no matter what!"

Once Maya heard that, tears started falling and the same went for Shawn. They let go of each other. Shawn ruffled Maya hair's and smiled. "You must be tried, go get some sleep." Maya nodded her head and Shawn looked at her with a proud smile and went his and Katy's room.

It was now time for the movies, and Maya was getting ready to pick up Chai so they can head to the movies. As Maya was getting ready, she couldn't help be a little scared that her friends will finally know that she has been hanging around with Chai. That's the reason she's been acting different.

Maya's phone dinged, signaling she received a text. She picked up her phone and saw she received two texts. One from Riley that said "Hey peaches, you don't have to pick me up, Farkle and Smackle decided to pick me up. I'll see you soon. Love you."

Maya smiled at Riley's text, and texted Riley back, "Hey honey, thanks for the heads up. I'll see you soon. I decided to invite a friend that I been hanging around with." Maya send the text, and received a reply. "Can't wait to meet your friend. Okay I'll tell  the rest that you went to pick up your friend.  We'll look for you inside the theatre. " Maya replied " I'll see you soon honey ❤️

Maya then checked her second text and saw that Chai texted. "Hey Maya, I'm ready for you to pick me up. You know it's not too late tell me that I can't go. It's okay that you don't want me to, I'll understand." Once Maya read Chai text her smile dropped and turned into a frown. Maya quickly texted back, "You're going Chai, I don't care if I have to drag you there. " I care about you and you became an important person in my life, and that doesn't happen often. Please come, for me!" Maya waited one minute and then received a reply text, "Okay, I'll come with you and I need to talk to Riley about freshman year, I want to make up with her."

Maya smiled at Chai's text, especially with Riley and Chai making up. "I'll be there in five minutes." Maya headed out of her room and saw her parents talking in the kitchen. "Hey mom and dad I'm heading out to pick up Chai so she can join the rest of us to the movies, and for them to finally know."

They both looked at Maya with a proud smile, "Everything will turn out fine, Maya. They're your friend's and they'll support your decisions and you becoming friends with Chai." Maya nodded with a smile on her face and headed out to pick up Chai.

Maya arrived to Chai's earlier than expected. Maya knocked she door and waited for one minute. Then, Chai opened the door. Maya smiled once she saw Chai. Chai did the same. They both stared at each other, "Hey." Maya said and Chai replied with, "Hey. So are we ready to head out?" Maya nodded and held out her hand. Chai smiled and held Maya's hand, and they walked to the movie theaters  with Maya telling Chai everything will be alright, as well as taking her mind off of it.

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