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Maya and Riley were outside of Riley apartment. Just as Maya was about to open the door. Riley stopped her.

"Maya, wait. I'm scared. I don't want our parents to be mad at us. For running away and eloping. Even though we didn't elope in the end. Not mention Farkle, Zay, Smackle, Chai, and Lucas. Who must be disappointed. Because, we didn't invite them." Riley said nervously.

"Don't worry, honey. There not gonna be mad." Maya told Riley which caused her to smile. "If anything there gonna be furious." Maya said which resulted Riley to frown and playfully hit Maya on the arm. Maya, just laughed.

"Don't worry. I'm right beside you. Everything gonna be fine. I promise you." Maya said with a smile which made Riley smile. Riley opened the door and where greeted with balloons, cake, and a banner that said "newlyweds". This shocked both girls for they didn't expect this.

Shawn, greeted them first with a smile and then hugged both girls. "Mrs. and Mrs. Hart. Congratulations!" Everyone said excitedly. Maya and Riley where shocked on what is happening.

"I always knew the two of you would get married! Maya, you always been like a sister to me. If there's anyone that deserves Riley. It's you Maya." Auggie said happily as he hugged both girls and walked back to where his parents where standing.

"What's happening?" Riley said whispering to Maya. "They think we're married." Maya whispered back. Riley was shocked and both girls didn't know what to do. Farkle, approached both girls with a large smile and hugged them tightly.

"You guys look exactly the same. The two of you were always married. From, the very beginning. It doesn't take a piece a paper to change what always was." Farkle said excitedly.

Maya, pulled Farkle to the side. "Farkle, I gotta tell you something." Maya said urgently. Farkle, just laughed, "Ooh. And I want to hear all about it. But not in front of yours and Riley's parents, okay." Farkle said as he walked away.

"Riley and Maya. I'm sorry that I was against your engagement. I know the two of you are deeply in love with each other. And, I shouldn't have opposed your engagement. Maya, I know you care deeply about Riley. You have proven it time and time. If there's anyone that's a perfect match for Riley, it's you, Maya. It's always been you since the very beginning. The full truth is I didn't support your engagement not only because of how young the two of you are. But, because I was scared that the two of you wouldn't need me, anymore. But, Chai helped me see that I made a huge mistake. I just hope the two of you can forgive me." Topanga said to Riley and Maya hoping for forgiveness. Maya and Riley instantly hugged Topanga. Glad that she approves of their engagement. The three smiled happily.

"Mom, I don't want you to ever think. That, we won't need you anymore. Just because we're engaged now. Your my mom and I'm always going to need you no matter what! You helped me figure out my feelings for Maya and approved of my sexuality along how I felt about Maya. I couldn't ask for a better mom. I love you mom." Riley said. This caused Topanga to have tears in her eyes.

"Welcome to the family, Maya! You always been a part of the family. I'm glad to have you as my daughter in law." Topanga said happily. Maya smiled hearing what Topanga was saying. Then, they remembered that their not married and need to tell them the truth.

"Everyone, I'm glad the two of you accept our engagement. But, the truth is Maya and I aren't married. I couldn't do it. Because, I wanted all of you to be their for our special day." Riley said. Everyone was happy that Riley and Maya wanted them to be there for their wedding day.

"But, we need your help. Especially, your help Mrs. Matthews." Maya said with a serious voice. Which confused everyone. Maya then explained what Stacy told her and what Riley and her need to do for them to get officially married.

"I completely forgot about that law! Don't worry will fight this! Will prove to them that  even though the two of you are young. You deserve to get married." Topanga said determinedly. Everyone nodded in agreement. Which caused Riley and Maya to smile.

"I've decided that when I grow up... I want to be my mother daughter... I want to be Riley's wife..." Maya says to everyone. Riley smiles at Maya hearing her say she wants to be her wife. "And I want us all to know how important we are to each other." Maya finishes with a smile.

Topanga, looked at both Riley and Maya, and then looked at her wedding ring. Topanga, then took off her ring and handed it to Maya. Which shocked her.

"Mrs. Matthews, why did you give me your wedding ring?" Maya asked confused. Topanga smiled, "This ring has been passed down to Matthews. Cory mother Amy gave him this ring and he purposed to me with this ring. I think it's time I passed it on. And I'm passing it on to you." Topanga said with a gentle voice. Maya hugged Topanga and whispered a thank you.

Maya turned and faced Riley. "Riley, the two of us have been through a lot of obstacles and we always overcame them. We been together are whole lives. You know I love you more than anything in the world, and can't imagine a world without you in it." Maya then got on one knee. "Riley, will you marry me?" Maya asked. Riley smiled. "Yes, Maya. Yes, I will." Riley said excitedly. Maya, got up and slid the wedding ring on her left hand. Maya raises her hand. "Thunder." "Lightning." The two held hands. "Forever!" They both said and shared a passionate kiss.

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