The Return Of Kermit

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Maya, Shawn, and Katy walked inside Topanga's. As, they walked inside Katy saw someone familiar that she never thought she'll see again. Katy, turned and saw that Maya hasn't seen that person. When Maya looked up. She, saw Kermit sitting in the same seat he sat last time when he visited.

Shawn, noticed Maya and Katy staring at something and saw that they were staring at man who was seating at a table. Shawn was confused why they were staring at him when Katy said a name. That, Maya and Shawn are very familiar with.

"KERMIT!" Katy yelled which caught everyone attention. But, specifically Shawn and Maya's. Kermit looked up and got up from his seat and started walking towards them. The consumers watched but one glare from Maya and Shawn. Made all the consumers turn around.

Maya, I heard...." Kermit was cut off when Shawn punched him the face which made Kermit stumble back. Shawn, was about to punch Kermit again.

"DAD! Don't do this! He's not worth it. Mom, can you please stay with dad. I'm going to talk to Kermit outside." Maya said to both her parents. Shawn and Katy both looked at each other and nodded. As the two started heading outside

"Hey, Kermit the frog! If you hurt Maya. Your gonna regret..." Shawn was pulled away as Katy dragged him to the couch.

Maya and Kermit sat in the same table that they sat. When, Maya was in eighth grade when they were assigned the forgiveness project.

"What, are you doing here, Kermit? After, three years you finally decide to come back and visit again?" Maya asked suspiciously.

"I heard about what happened to you, Maya. That, you got shot protecting your best friend Riley. Once, I heard what happened I drove here as fast as I could. But, I knew once I showed up at the hospital and if Katy saw me. She, wouldn't allow me to see you. So, when visiting hours where over I sneaked inside and visited you. I prayed that you'll wake up. But, most importantly I promised god that if you woke up I'll be apart of your life. I'll understand if you don't believe me, Maya. But, I honestly want to be part of your life. Please give me one more shot." Kermit pleaded.

"All, I remember is your back walking towards the door leaving us in your past. Piece by piece he filled the holes. That you burned in me at six years old. He doesn't walk away. He cares about me. Piece by piece he restored my faith. That he was stayer and not a leaver." Maya said with tears in her eyes but wiped them away quickly.

"Kermit, I believe that you went to visit me in the hospital. I know you wouldn't lie about that. But, I can't forgive you yet. No matter how hard I'm trying right now. I just can't do it!" Maya replied.

Kermit looked deeply upset. But, apart of him knew that this was going to happen. In fact, he knows he doesn't deserve Maya's forgiveness. But, he really wants to be apart of Maya's life.

"I understand. I just hope one day you can forgive me. Can, you at least tell me how you been? Has, anything interesting happen?" Kermit asked.

Maya doesn't know if she should tell Kermit. About, her engagement with Riley. Because, the first time the two met. Kermit, didn't know how special her friendship was with Riley and Riley was offended. But, Maya decided to tell Kermit about her engagement with Riley.

"Yeah, a lot has happened last year and this year. But, everything is now good. Actually, I'm engaged now. I purposed to Riley today. Mom and dad are accepting of the engagement. I think Mr. Matthews now accepts our engagement as well. But, the only one who isn't is Mrs. Matthews. I just hope everything works out in the end." Maya says nervously.

Kermit, couldn't believe what he was hearing. That, Maya, his daughter. Was, engaged to her best friend.

"Well, I don't support this engagement! Maya, your still a teenager and you purposed to your friend! What are you even thinking!" Kermit said angrily. Maya, stood up quickly which resulted in her knocking her chair down. As well, as Kermit who knocked his chair down. The two stared at each other.

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