Maya vs TombStone

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Maya glances at her friends and then makes eye contact with Riley and gives her smile. Maya then faces the front and nods to tell them that she's ready.

"LETS GO!" Maya shouts. "RELEASE THE BULL!" They shout and they open the gate letting tombstone free. Maya hears the crowd cheering of excitement. Maya holds onto the saddle as tight as she can. For she's not finished yet. She promised herself that she'll hang on as long as it takes to beat Lucas record. The crowd gets more excited at how long Maya has  lasted so far. Which, causes the cheers to get more louder. As the seconds pass and how long Maya has been on top of tombstone. Maya manages to catch a glimpse of Riley who looked scared. Maya smiles at Riley. Hoping that Riley saw it and put her at ease.

And in that split second tombstone manages to shake Maya off making her flip off of tombstone but before she could land on the ground. Tombstone kicked her in the side causing her to land on the ground. Everything thing went black once Maya landed on the ground. The last thing she saw was Riley crying and everything went dark. Tombstone then charged and hit Maya twice making Maya roll over multiple times. Tombstone was heading to charge towards Maya again. When he was restrained and taken back to the cage. When tombstone was taken away they saw Maya whose helmet fell off from the landing and see Maya heading bleeding causing it to pour down Maya face as well as her lips who are bleeding as well. Maya's eyes were open and she hadn't move at all. People quickly came and tried their best to stop the bleeding as they waited for the ambulance.

Riley Point of View
Riley watched as tombstone was released and Maya holding on tightly to the saddle. Riley looked at her friends and notice that they were cheering for Maya. But we're also worried. Riley watched as their were a few times where Maya was almost close to falling down but managed to stay on. Riley, then noticed the clock and is surprised.

"Look, Maya beat your record Lucas!" Riley said happily. They all turned and saw that Maya indeed beat Lucas five second record. They all cheered loudly for Maya. For she's managed to stay on top of tombstone for fifteen seconds. The crowd cheers louder as they noticed that Maya has beaten the record. Riley then saw Maya sent her a smile which caused her to smile back but it was instantly gone. When Maya was flipped over and was kicked by the side. Causing her to land on the ground and tombstone who charged towards Maya making her role over multiple times.

Tears started pouring down Riley's face. Seeing Maya get hurt like this broke Riley's heart to pieces. Suddenly tombstone was stopped and pulled back into his cage. Once, tombstone was gone everyone got a view of how Maya looked. When Riley saw Maya she instantly broke apart she fell down to the group. She tuned out everyone and was focused only on Maya. She noticed the ambulance arrived and shook Farkle, Lucas, and Chai off and climbed over the fence and saw as Maya was pulled inside the ambulance.

Riley was walking towards the ambulance so she can be with Maya when she was stopped by a paramedic.

"Sorry but we need...." the paramedic was cut off Riley.

"I'm Maya fiancé! I'm coming with you!" Riley said angrily as shoved passed the paramedic and climbed inside the ambulance and held Maya hand. Her heart broke more when she saw Maya close up.

"Stay with me, peaches. Don't leave me." Riley said silently as the paramedics worked.

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