Chapter 53

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(Continuation of chapter 52)

I kept having the weirdest sensation that I was being followed or watched, something just felt off and I couldn't put my finger on it but it left me feeling very uncomfortable.

My thoughts would soon be taken away from that line of thinking when my office phone rang and when I picked it up, Constance said it was a Dr. Dhoot.

This was the doctor Devon told me about!  My heart sped up as I took the call.

"Dr. Dhoot? This is Amethyst. How may I help you?" "Ms. Langston, I know this is short notice but I've had a cancellation and was wondering if you would like to meet in, say an hour?"

Oh heavens help me! "Yes! I would!" Came my excited answer. She gave me the address and said she would see me then.

I needed to call Devon. I didn't want to go alone and with me not having a regular doctor, there was no one I trusted more than him right now.

He would understand the medical jargon and risks of procedures, etc. My heart raced as I dialed his number.

"Dr. St. James" his strong voice called out. "Devon? It's Amethyst. Dr. Dhoot just called me. She's got an opening in an hour. Can you come with?" I threw it all out in one breath.

"Whoa, take a breath Amethyst" he joked. "I'll come pick you up in fifteen. Just relax okay? It's just a consultation." His calming voice reassuring me.

I knew he was right and I heard what he was saying but still, the thought of actually having a chance of giving Declan a baby?  Even if I could have only one, that baby would still be a miracle, conceived from love, with help from manmade science.  It sounded like a win-win to me!

Fifteen minutes later my cell phone pinged.  It was Devon letting me know he was downstairs.

As I rushed out the door, I asked Con to please not say anything to Declan, should he call, that I would explain when I returned.

I was a nervous wreck, wringing my hands and biting my lip while my mind turned like a hamster's wheel.

"Hey girl, you're going to hyperventilate if you don't relax" Devon said concerned.  I smiled wanly at him and closed my eyes, counting to ten and taking deep breaths.

I exhaled deeply as we pulled into the address Dr. Dhoot had given me.  The building was pristine and immaculate on the outside with beautiful landscape, bushes and small trees.

There were no stairs that we could see, once we got inside, but we did see elevators.  She said they were in suite 415, so I pressed the number four and we waited.

Devon reached over, clasped my hand and gave it a quick squeeze as the doors slid open.

When we reached the suite, the door read Dr. Meera Dhoot, M.D. Infertility Specialization.  I placed my hand on the door but before we went in, I turned to Devon.

"No matter what happens, I want you to know I appreciate the effort and what you did for your brother and I."  He smiled and nodded and we went inside.

After filling out mountains of paperwork, we waited for the good doctor to appear and about ten minutes later, she did.

She wasn't what I expected at all.  She was young, short and petite.  Beautiful jet black hair tied back in a ponytail and gorgeous enough to be a model.

"Amethyst?" She asked, holding her hand out.  I nodded while extending my hand, smiling and thankful to be meeting her.

"I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have this opportunity, Doctor" I told her as she showed us to her office.

While we spoke, her nurse got my weight, vitals and then they took several vials of blood.  After she was done with these tasks, we got down to the meat of the visit.

I handed her my medical file from when I was admitted to the hospital a year ago after the attack.

Pulling glasses on to her face, she carefully read each page, making notes of her own and when she was finished, she closed it and directed her attention to me.

"First off, it's a miracle you survived such a horrific ordeal.  I can't even imagine what it was like for you.

Now, I didn't see anywhere in your file that mentions the removal of your ovaries, uterus or the tubes, is that correct?"

"I wouldn't allow them to" I told her honestly.  "Whether they still worked or not, just like my breasts, they make me a woman and I demanded they leave them intact.

They made repairs but that's really all I know.  I don't even think they ever did a sonogram and to be honest you are the first female doctor I've ever had.  Didn't have much occasion to visit doctors regularly."

She nodded, making more notes as I spoke.  "I want to do a sonogram, if you are okay with that" she said.  I told her absolutely and we followed her to another room.

"You can just unfasten your dress pants and lower them some.  You can cover with the sheet for modesty and we will just raise your shirt a bit.  That should be sufficient" she said.

Devon turned his head while I got situated and then came back over once given the signal.

"The gel will be cold, so for that I'm sorry but it will heat up from your body heat in a moment."  She started to squirt the bluish gel and I hissed the moment it touched my belly.

"Sorry" she said softly.  "It's okay" I laughed as I watched her start moving the wand around on my lower belly.

She pointed out my uterus and ovaries, then my tubes.  While we were looking at the screen, she took her IPad and showed me what healthy ones should look like and then I could see what we were up against.

I laid back and blinked through the tears.  After seeing that, there was no way, without a miracle, a child would be conceived.  There was just too much damage.

"I know you think it's impossible, but I've helped women that were far worse off conceive and have healthy pregnancies.  I can help you, Amethyst." She said gently.

Wiping the tears from under my eyes, I looked at her and said "What do we do next?"

(Disclaimer:  The medical procedure that I invented, to my knowledge doesn't exist.  This is purely fictional.)

Dr. Dhoot explained that she had pioneered an in patient-out patient procedure where a tiny, thin tubing would be inserted into my tubes, opening them back up.

Then by going off the blood work, we'll know the dosage of progesterone that I would need to take, plus any other hormones.

"I put a rush on the blood work.  I have a lab here in my building, so tomorrow morning I will have the results back and we can plan the procedure" she said.

Devon kept looking at me while on the way to drop me back off at my office. 

"Are you okay?" He asked me.  I exhaled and said "Yeah, I think I am.  I can't really believe this is happening."

He patted my hand as we pulled up to my office building.  Devon got out, came around and opened my door.

"You know, you're going to make an awesome brother-in-law" I told him laughing and then he gave me that St. James smirk I loved so much.

When I got back upstairs, I pulled Constance into my office and told her everything.  I didn't think she would quit squealing over the news.

After we finished talking and she left me alone, I had time to think, about Declan and I, our wedding and a baby.  My life was moving directions I never saw coming and I couldn't have been happier.

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