Oliver Queen (Secrets)

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You were in the Arrow cave with Felicity.
She was spinning around in the chair next to you.
You had your eyes closed, relaxing.
You had better control of your patience then she did.
You were both waiting by the computer, waiting for Oliver and Diggle to reach out.
They picked up some intel that Damien Dark was sending out a team to the marina.
They had gone to scope it out and find out why.
"We're at the arena," you heard.
You and Felicity jumped alive and got to work.
"Cameras disabled," you declared.
"Audio off," Felicity said.
"Alarms are done," You stated.
"Looks like your boys are already in the marina anyway," Felicity said.
"What do you mean?" Diggle asked.
"Heat signatures show they are... below you guys?" you spoke, slight disbelief in your voice.
"Is that possible?" Oliver asked.
"They're coming from underwater," you realized.
"You got more dropping from a helicopter," Felicity said, panicked.
"It's a trap!" You exclaimed.
You heard groaning and fighting.
Felicity hacked the cameras while you reached out to back up.
You both watched as Oliver and Diggle were knocked out and captured.
Then the camera went black.
"I didn't do that," Felicity said.
"Come and get them," you read the words that appeared on the screen next.
Felicity killed the feed.
"Laurel is out of town for a big lawyer thing, Thea is stuck with her father, and Barry is dealing with a metahuman," you said.
"What are we supposed to do?" Felicity asked.
You racked your brain for an idea, but only came up with the same one.
"I have a plan," you said softly.
"You're going to-?" she asked.
You nodded.
"Luckily, I had a back up suit made for you. In case this day ever came," Felicity said.
Felicity was the only one who knew your secret.
You were experimented on as a child, resulting in your wings.
You hated them, and hid them.
Now was the time to use them.
You changed into the suit, grabbing a multitude of daggers, and flew out.
After a few problems, you managed to safely get Oliver and Diggle back to the Arrow cave.
Diggle was impressed, but Oliver, Oliver was pissed.
As soon as you were back in your own clothes, Oliver pulled you away.
"Why the hell would you keep a secret?" he interrogated.
Before you could open your mouth, Oliver was talking.
"You could have gotten yourself hurt, or even worse. Or someone else could have. Keeping a secret endangers everyone, not just yourself. And going into danger? What if you hadn't managed to make it?" Oliver continued.
You were silent.
He sighed.
"I am proud of you for stepping up and helping," he admitted, "But I don't ever want you to get hurt. You... mean a lot to me. Even if it's really hard for me to admit."
"I'm sorry," you simply said.
Oliver said nothing, but dipped his head to catch your lips with his own.
You wasted no time kissing back.
When he pulled away, you were blushing.
"I'm, uh, going to go upstairs," you said, "I could use a drink."
"Drinks on me," he smirked.
"Yeah. Okay," you blushed.
As you walked upstairs, Oliver stared at you.
You knew he had a question.
"Go ahead," you nodded.
"I was just wondering what else those wings could do," he winked.
You almost missed a step on the stairs and nearly tripped.
Oliver laughed at this all night.
Even when you two woke up together the next morning, he was still laughing.

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