Spock (For girlofstorms)

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You were working with Bones in the medbay.
"The skin paling, the sweating. The flu, possibly?" Bones muttered to you.
You looked over his shoulder at the patient.
"Possibly. If we wait a few more minutes, we'll be able to-," you began.
You were cut off by the patient leaning over his bed and vomiting onto the floor.
"Diagnose him exactly," you finished, sighing, "Stomach flu."
Bones shook his head.
"Clean up!" he called.
Spock entered the room.
He looked at you.
Your stomach felt like it knotted up.
You couldn't tell if it was your unfortunate shyness, or your huge crush on Spock that was bothering you.
"I'll just get a mop and do it myself," you muttered to Bones, using the excuse to rush out the room before you vomited on the floor as well.
You heard Bones chuckle after you.
You felt Spock watching you as you left.
You walked into the hall and entered the supply closet, looking for a mop.
You find it, buried under a couple of fallen boxes.
You picked up a box and tried to place it on the top shelf.
You stood on your tiptoes, but were still too short to reach.
You huffed until the box was taken from your hands and placed on the shelf for you.
You suddenly became aware of the heat radiating from behind you.
You turned, only to come face-to-chest with an extremely close Spock.
"Um-I-Uh, What?" you tried to speak.
"I've been trying to locate you all day. I have something I wish to share with you," he said.
"Yeah, okay," you nodded, blushing.
Spock's fingers gently traced your cheek.
He remained silent.
"Spock?" you questioned.
"Why is this so hard?" he asked suddenly.
"Well, what are you trying to say?" you asked.
He took your hand in his, touching his fingertips to yours.
A Vulcan Kiss.
You gaped at him.
"Do you understand?" Spock asked.
You nodded, before brushing your lips against his, softly.
"Do you?" you asked.
He nodded in reply.
You both heard a knock on the open closet door.
"The medbay is starting to smell. Mind hurrying this up?" Bones interrupted.
Your face burned red, while the tips of Spock's ears turned green.
"Kids," Bones grumbled, walking away.

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