Kiingtong (For thelittlewolf45)

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You were the girlfriend of the YouTuber Kiingtong, or Will.
He was off at PAX with all of his friends.
You hadn't been invited and you didn't really care to go.
You were going out with your own friends who had been visiting America.
You guys were hanging out now that you were all in England together.
You were born and raised, as well as lived there, of course, but you did travel from time to time.
You guys were going to learn how to ride dirt bikes from one of your friends' boyfriends.
You got a phone call from Will as you guys were waiting for the boyfriend to show up.
"Is everything alright, Will?" you asked.
"Yes. Just checking in, love," he said.
"Oh, I'm fine. Just waiting with the girls," you said.
"For what?" he asked.
You knew how overprotective Will was, so you didn't want to say anything.
"Just food," you lied, "How are you?"
"Having fun with the boys. I have to go. I'll talk to you soon," he said.
"Okay. I love you," you said.
You were answered with a hang up, which was weird.
But you remembered he was with "his boys", so you ignored it.
You realized your friends had already started their lessons.
You were third to go.
You climbed on and followed the instructions you had been given.
However, you didn't account on one of your friends clumsily falling into your path, forcing you to swerve and fall.
The bike landed on your leg.
The pain was too much and your mind shut off.
When you woke up, you were in a hospital room.
Your friend was holding your phone.
"Thank God. I am so sorry, Y/N," she said.
"It's nothing," you said.
You touched your leg and felt a cast.
"Or is it?" you asked, "What happened?"
"I'll leave that to Will," she said, handing you your phone.
Will was on facetime.
"Oh, Y/N, you scared me. What were you thinking?" he asked.
"I was just having fun," you said, "What's wrong with my leg?"
"You needed surgery on your knee. Don't worry, you'll be fine," he said.
You heard laughing in the back ground.
Will blushed and you got angry.
"Will you all shut the bloody hell up? I'm trying to have a conversation with my boyfriend. You know, the only one with an actual girlfriend," you told them off.
Will laughed and you watched the others leave the room.
"I love you, Y/N," he said.
You took your moment for revenge.
You hung up.
"Love you, too, Will."

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