Scotty{Star Trek '09} (For Kurtwagnersbae28)

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You were in your room, laying upside down on your bed.
You were just trying to think of something to do.
You usually worked in the medbay, but today was your assigned day off.
You had tried to ignore it and go to work anyway, but when Bones had seen you, he pushed you out of the medbay.
"Y/N, one day off won't kill you. Take it. It won't kill you," he said, before locking you out.
So now, you were trying to figure out something to do.
Your mind kept drifting to your boyfriend, Scotty, who was the chief engineer.
You tried to ignore the thoughts of him because he was working.
That's when you bolted up in your seat.
Last week, when he had a day off, he had annoyed you all day long.
He had driven you crazy!
Bones had to hold you back from tackling him!
You grinned and made your way to your boyfriend.
When you arrived, no one was there but Chekov.
"Hey, Chekov," you greeted.
"Hello, Y/N," he said, shyly.
"Which desk is Scotty's?" you asked.
He pointed and you smiled at him as thanks.
You shoved all the paperwork off the desk and sat on it.
When Scotty finally arrived, his eyes widened at his work on the floor.
"That was important work, Y/N!" he groaned.
"Really? I don't care," you said, using a happy tone.
He paused.
"Shouldn't you be at work?" he asked, pointing at you and coming close.
"I have a day off. Aren't you lucky?" you said.
"I'm very busy today. Go find someone else to bother," Scotty sighed.
You fake pouted.
"But when I told you that last week, you didn't listen in the slightest," you reminded him.
He facepalmed.
"Is this your revenge?" he asked.
He picked up his stuff and positioned it around you.
As he grinned triumphantly, you grinned wickedly.
"Yep," you said, knocking it all off again in one motion.
Chekov looked on, confusion all over his face.
You winked at him and he turned red, going right back to his work.
As Scotty continued to work, you kept doing small, simple things that infuriated him.
You bumped into his arm when he was writing, switched around tools, sat on his notes, kept pushing items off his desk, lowering and raising his chair randomly, flicking his face, and most annoyingly, clicking a pen constantly.
You watched as Scotty got redder and redder with anger.
When you knew he was about to blow, you stood and threw the pen at him.
You watched it click on his forehead.
Scotty burst out of his chair.
You tried not to laugh as Scotty was so angry, he could barely speak.
You didn't give much thought to his last words.
"'Kay, guess we're done," you shrugged, turning around.
You left and went to the bridge.
Kirk nodded at you as permission, before you could ask.
You wanted to tell Uhura what had just happened and see if she could grab the footage for you.
"Y/N, no!" you heard
You turned towards the voice and you were tackled.
You fell to the ground, with someone on top of you.
You looked up to see Scotty.
You groaned and looked at him.
"What the hell?" you asked.
He merely hugged you, staying on top of you.
"Get off, Scotty," you struggled, trying to get him off so you could get off.
He didn't budge.
"Please don't leave me," he asked in a small voice.
You sighed, understanding.
"I'm not leaving you, you idiot. I was just messing with you," you explained.
He peppered your face with kisses.
"I love you," he grinned.
"I love you, too," you said, "Now, get off."
He shook his head and continued to cling to you.
You looked at everyone staring at you two.
"Don't just stand there! Get him the hell off of me!"

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