Steve Rogers (For CharleeCongreve)

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You were an Avenger with your older brother, Tony Stark.
You had the power of [Insert choice power].
When you're brother found out, all he had to say was, "Aw, little Charlee's growing up."
Of course, after you used your powers on him as a response, he didn't make such comments anymore.
You had a huge crush on Steve.
He was just so sweet and gentleman like to you.
Luckily, you had incredibly managed to hide your crush.
Your brother was taking everyone out to get shawarma.
However, you hated shawarma, so you stayed in the tower.
You thought you were alone, so you were hanging out in the living room.
You were majorly bored.
You played "The Anthem" by Good Charlotte and sang along at the top of your lungs.
You slowly began to jump around and dance to the beat.
When the song finished and you closed of with air guitar, you heard clapping.
You yelped and saw Steve watching you.
You felt hot as you blushed.
"How much of that did you see?" you asked.
"All of it," he chuckled.
You laid on the couch.
"That's so awful," you said, embarrassed.
You felt someone lay on top of you.
Steve leaned in close to you.
"It was amazing. You're perfect,Charlee" he whispered.
"You... You need to stop because I have a huge ass crush on you and this isn't helping," you rambled.
Steve grinned.
"I like you a lot, too," Steve said.
You smiled back, happily.
And Steve pressed closer against you, placing his hands on either side of you to hold his weight, so he didn't crush you.
He pressed his lips to yours, kissing you roughly.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing back.
You and Steve were so into your makeout session on the couch, you didn't hear the other Avengers come back until they all released a collective gasp.
You and Steve looked up, startled.
"My sister, Rogers?" Tony hissed, "I thought you were supposed to be a gentleman."
"Forget about that," Natasha said, ignoring Tony.
"Did the gentle Steve Rogers just make out with a girl?" Clint asked, laughing.
"On the couch?" Bruce continued.
"Good job, Sir Rogers!" Thor boomed.
Steve and I sat up and blushed.
"Just, don't do it in public," Tony muttered, walking away, pouting.
The rest of the Avengers dispersed.
I looked at Steve.
"My room?" i asked.
"Let's go."

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