Sam Winchester (For Marisa_Lynch_)

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You and Sam Winchester had been friends since he first started Stanford.
You had been through it all with the guy.
You were always there to comfort him when he needed it.
He was always there to comfort you when you needed it, too.
And yes, you knew of the whole demons were real thing, but you were not a hunter.
You had your own house, and worked as a prosecuting attorney.
Sam had stayed at your house many a time, Dean as well.
Hell, even Castiel had spent a night or two.
You didn't mind.
If Sam trusted them, so did you.
And you never just let them stay the night.
You always did their laundry, made them extra comfortable, made them meals, offered them whatever they needed.
The boys loved you.
Probably a little too much.
One night, you had just finished parking when you noticed a man in front of your door.
You stepped out of your car to greet him.
You had your taser in your hand, just in case.
Being a prosecuting attorney is not a favorable job, so anything could happen.
You walked up to the man, not recognizing him.
"Hello, may I help you?" you asked.
"Are you Y/N Y/L/N?" he asked.
"Yes," you nodded.
His eyes turned all black.
Sam had taught you what that meant.
Damn it, where was Sam when you need him.
"Then yes, you can definitely help me," he smirked.
Everything went black.
When you woke up, you were tied to a chair.
The demon who had taken you was standing over you.
"Oh, look who's finally awake," he said.
He slid a knife down your face.
You shivered.
"Don't worry. I'm not supposed to hurt you. At least, not until the WInchesters get here. That's when the real fun begins," he laughed.
"Yeah, it is," you both heard.
The demon turned, only to be stabbed and killed by a demon blade.
Sam bent over you.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked, checking you over.
You shook your head.
"I'm fine," you assured him, "Just please get me out of here."
Sam untied you and lifted you up.
"I can walk," you said.
"I know," he responded, smiling at you, "But you should rest."
Sam slid into the backseat of the Impala with you.
Dean took off.
"You alright, Y/N?" he asked.
"I'm fine," you repeated, "Thanks for saving me, guys."
"Always," Sam said.
"Come on, Sam. Tell her now!" Dean ordered.
"Tell me what?" you asked, curiously.
"That I love you," Sam confessed, "We've been best friends for so long I guess it's about time I make my move. I've been in love with you for so long and so afraid to say anything because something may happen to you. But bad things could happen either way. And I'd rather you know now, than never know. Because I love you, Y/N."
You smiled at Sam.
"I love you, too, Sam," you said, softly.
Sam smiled back at you.
"Kiss her, you idiot. What are you waiting for?" Dean encouraged.
You laughed and Sam paused to glare before returning to you.
He kissed you gently.
"That's my boy."

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