Bucky Barnes (For marvelmartinski)

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You were an immortal.
You had only discovered that when you died in the 40's.
You grew up with Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.
The three of you were the Three Musketeers.
You and Steve were best friends.
You were like siblings.
You and Bucky were engaged.
You loved him with all your heart.
Then Bucky went to war.
Then Steve became Captain America.
Both boys were killed in the war.
And then, you were killed by a stray bullet.
Or so it seemed.
Until you woke up in a bodybag.
You met Agent Peggy Carter.
She told you about what she and Howard Stark were starting, an agency named SHIELD.
You and her were great friends until the day she died.
You were well aware of Steve being frozen in ice and then thawed out.
You couldn't bring yourself to see him.
It hurt too much, and you knew he needed to adjust.
You weren't sure if you would help or hinder that process.
He found you, though.
You opened your door to leave one day, and he was there with two friends, the Black Widow and Falcon.
Apparently, they needed help fighting the Winter Soldier.
You agreed to help, but only because Steve was asking.
Before you left to infiltrate SHIELD, Steve took you to the side.
"I thought you were dead," he said.
"And I, you," you returned.
You shared a long-awaited hug.
"There's something you should know," he winced as you pulled away.
"What else is going on?" you asked, crossing your arms.
"The Winter Soldier. We know who he is," Steve admitted.
"Who is he?" you asked.
"It's Bucky," he whispered, hanging his head.
You blinked back tears.
"No," you said, in disbelief.
You were about to go out and fight the man you loved.
You never did move on from him.
You clutched onto Steve's arm.
"Promise me we'll try to help him," you pleaded.
"Of course," Steve swore.
Everything was a blur, your only focus on finding Bucky and bring down HYDRA.
When you realized what was going on, you were on the third helicarrier, trying to replace the cartridge.
Something grasped your leg and dragged you down.
You yelped as you were dragged off the bridge and onto the ground.
"Steve!" you called through the intercoms.
"I'm on my way!" he shouted back.
You kicked out, but your leg was only grabbed again and you head slammed against the ground.
You looked up to see a blurry Bucky.
He had longer hair and was far more stoic.
His eyes were cold and emotionless.
He stared at you, as if he had no idea as to who you were.
"Bucky?" you called out, heartbroken.
He slammed his fist through the window below you.
"Bucky, please. Don't. I don't believe you can do this," you said.
He said nothing as he pushed you through.
You fell out and into the water below.
That was the last time you saw the Winter Soldier.
Sam found you in the water, repeatedly drowning.
He pulled you out after he found Steve on top.
He promised you SHIELD and HYDRA had both been brought down, and everyone was okay.
You thanked him, and stayed with him in the hospital by Steve's bedside.
When Steve woke up, he made you leave to go home and rest.
You entered your apartment.
You felt dejected and tired.
That was, until you spotted Bucky at your table.
You immediately locked the door behind you, and closed the blinds.
You kept your distance and looked at him.
"What are you doing here?" you asked.
"I remember you," he whispered.
You noticed he was bleeding and sighed.
You pulled out the first aid kit and looked at him.
"Why don't you tell me about it while I fix you up?" you offered.
He slowly nodded.
You sat beside him and began to clean off the blood.
"I remember you with that man. The target," he said.
"His name is Steve Rogers. I'm-," you began.
"Y/N Y/L/N," he interjected.
You smiled.
"The man- Steve, and I. We were friends," he recalled.
"The best. Like brothers," you added.
You began to place bandages on his wounds.
"You and I were in love. I gave you a ring and everything," he spoke, "What happened?"
You chose your words carefully.
"You... were a soldier. You went off to war to save people. You were kidnapped and experimented on by HYDRA until Steve saved you. When you and Steve joined a team, the Howling Commandos, you were on a dangerous mission. You fell off and you... Well, we thought you had died. HYDRA got their hands on you again. They turned you into the Winter Soldier," you explained.
"What about you?" he asked.
"I was accidentally killed a year after you and Steve died. But it turns out, I can't die. The bullet only ensured I didn't age either. I'm immortal. Change identities every couple of years, and that's it," you shrugged.
Bucky stared at you.
You finished patching him up.
Bucky took your hand in his.
"You're all I know," he stated.
You didn't know how to respond.
"I need help," he admitted, "I want to remember. I need to remember."
"I don't know how much help I'll be," you hesitated.
"You remember everything. You've lived all this time, so you understand everything," he reasoned.
You sighed and he squeezed your hand.
"I will try my best," you agreed.
"I love you," he immediately responded.
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
"I love you, too," you smiled.
You had your Bucky back.

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