Tate Langdon (For tates_smile)

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You had been living in the murder house with your parents for a whole month.
You had seen your fair share of weird things.
You merely summed it up as your imagination.
Little did you know that the ghosts were waiting.
For what?
You to be alone.
So they could, you know, kill you.
But you didn't believe in ghosts.
Tate Langdon was someone you had neither met, nor heard of.
But he watched you all the time.
He knew what the ghosts were planning and was determined to protect you.
He longed to make contact, but he knew that if he did, it would only give the ghosts an excuse to act quickly.
So he held back.
Then came the night where your aunt was checked into the hospital.
She had been hit by a car, but was in stable condition.
Your parents were going to the hospital and staying with her until she was released.
That left you alone.
That also gave the ghosts their opportunity.
As soon as your parents car had disappeared down the street, a knife planted itself in the wall right next to your face.
You screamed and turned only to see a laughing Hayden.
You had taken boxing for a few years, so it was easy for you to swing.
You just didn't expect to go right through her.
As you were standing, shocked, something wrapped around your throat and yanked you on your ass.
It began to squeeze and you tried to yank it away from your throat.
A figure appeared at the top of the stairs.
You couldn't make out who it was because your vision had gone blurry.
"Stop it!" you heard a boy's voice say, "Leave her alone. Go away."
"Tate, stop," You heard Hayden warn.
"GO AWAY!" he shouted.
You felt the cord around your neck loosen and you laid back, trying to get the air back into your lungs.
You wiped tears from your eyes and sat up.
You felt someone helping you stand and you looked over at your savior.
He helped you into a chair.
You hugged him.
"Thank you," you said, shivering with fear still.
You felt him stiffen, but soon hug back and rub your back comfortingly.
"I'll always protect you, Y/N," he said.
You pulled away and looked at him.
"Hi. I'm Tate. I'm dead."

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