Cain Wise (For SacredArcheress)

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The last few days have been the scariest.
Your hair was always standing on end on the back of your neck.
Your body tingled and your stomach churned.
You felt like you were being watched.
Every time you turned around, there was nothing but a shadow.
You were either being stalked.
Or were going crazy.
You didn't like either theory.
The first option had been proven right when you were walking home from college one day.
You were late.
It was about midnight.
You had stayed late to do research in the school library for a report.
It was a 20 page essay on the whole mythology of werewolves, or rather lycanthropes.
It was for your Occult course.
You had decided to stay late, until the report had been finished.
Then the train had shut down, so you were left with only the option to walk.
It definitely scared your, because you were alone.
You had your mace in hand.
Your paranoia was in overdrive.
But apparently, your senses weren't very trustworthy.
You hadn't noticed or even thought anyone was behind you until you got knocked out.
When you woke up, you were hanging from the ceiling.
You had been chained to a hook and your feet weren't touching the ground.
You looked around, gripped by fear.
A man stepped out.
His body was in the light, but his face was hidden by shadows.
"Where is Cain Wise?" he asked in a deep voice.
"Who?" you asked.
"Cain Wise. Do not play games," he growled.
"I don't know anyone named Cain Wise!" you protested.
He stepped out and his face entered the light.
You gasped and flinched back at how messed up it was.
It looked like he had five claw marks trailing across his face.
The rest of his face was irritated around it.
"What the hell?" you questioned.
He opened his hand to reveal a knife.
"We'll get the truth out of you," he said, "One way or another."
You tried to kick out at him, but you were weak.
He chuckled and put his hands on your thighs to stop you.
"Don't be foolish," he tsked.
That's it.
You were crazy.
You were absolutely nuts.
Then the door broke down.
A man who looked like a wolf entered.
"Don't touch her!" he roared.
"Oh my God, I'm going to get locked up in a mental hospital," you said to yourself.
Everyone looked at you weirdly.
"Nevermind, I think I need the drugs," you stated.
The new man began to fight with the few people hidden in the shadows.
The one with the warped face lowered you to the ground.
You fell to your knees.
He stood next to you and held the knife to your throat.
"Don't move, Cain Wise," he said.
The man finished knocking out the others, and went still.
"It's a hallucination," you chuckled, "I'll be fine."
The knife pressed deeper and you felt blood trickle down your neck.
"Oh God, it's not a hallucination," you realized, "I'm not crazy. This is real. I'm going to die."
"No you're not. I won't let you," the stranger said.
"Dude, you're half wolf and I don't even know you," you stated, "Forgive me if I question my survival."
The man behind you chuckled.
You used your elbow to hit him where the sun don't shine and threw yourself to the opposite side.
The man intent on rescuing you wasted no time in ripping out your kidnapper's throat.
You turned your head away until you felt the man unchaining you.
"So you're the Cain Wise I was about to die because of?" you asked.
He lifted you up, bridal style.
"And you're Y/N Y/L/N, my mate," he said.
"At this point, I'm just wishing for drugs that'll help make my brain numb, so whatever floats your boat, buddy," you sighed.
Cain looked at you.
"This is going to be fun," he said, sounding slightly sarcastic.
"You know what else is fun? Sanity. But i think I've lost mine," you said.
"That's okay. I have enough for the both of us," he said.
"Whatever you say."

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