Pietro Maximoff (For Stage_16000_Fangirl)

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You were an Avenger.
The only power you had was invisibility.
Other than that, you were just Y/N Romanov.
You were the little sister of Natasha Romanov, or the Black Widow.
You were also an assassin.
You were helping Steve distract Ultron.
You had been invisible, latched onto Steve's back, when Ultron had thrown him onto the train.
You had lessened Steve's fall and were sure you had a broken rib.
You were attacking Ultron's guard robots, using your invisibility.
Steve was going head to head with Ultron.
You had just finished destroying the guards when you noticed the Maximoff twins enter the train.
You watched as Steve was blasted to the side.
You remained invisible, helping him up.
"You know, I can see you, right, Y/N?" Ultron asked.
You looked at him.
You were still using your power.
You were confused.
You can't turn off your heat signature.
"Oh shit," you said.
"Exactly," Ultron spoke.
Ultron blasted you.
He managed to hit you in the stomach.
The force of the impact threw you backwards.
You felt the shattering of glass and knew you had gotten thrown out of the window of the train.
You screamed, from both the pain, and fear.
You hated heights.
You watched Ultron fly out of the train and heard him laugh as he departed.
You managed to get a firm grip on the edge of the window.
"STEVE!" you screamed at the top of your lungs.
You knew you were visible again, because you could see your feet dangling over the edge.
"Y/N, hold on, I'm coming!" Steve shouted back.
The sharp pain in your body made you wince.
You felt your hold loosen slightly.
"Uh, Steve, I don't know how much longer I can hold on!" you shouted.
You looked down to see how far of a drop it would be.
Let's just say, you were going to die.
Your fingers began to slip.
Just before you fell, you saw a sliver of silver hair and felt yourself get pulled up.
You were pulled into a person's arms.
You held onto them tight.
"Nat's going to kill me," was all you could say.
You looked to see you were clinging to Pietro Maximoff.
You pulled away, quickly.
You took in a sharp breath at the pain of the action.
Steve looked at you.
"More like Nat's going to kill me. You're all hurt," Steve spoke.
"Focus on the people right now," you reminded, "We have to find a way to get all the civilians out of the way."
You felt something on your cheek before a gust of wind blew off.
"Did he just...?" you trailed off.
Wanda just shook her head.
"Can you stop this train?" Steve asked her.
She nodded.
Wanda stopped the train just as it derailed.
Wanda, Steve, and you got off the train to see Pietro standing triumphantly.
Wanda and Steve began to argue as you and Pietro stepped to the side.
"You know, if we get out of this alive, I'm going to marry you," he flirted.
"If we get out of this alive, I'll let you," you retorted.
"I think you owe me for saving your life," he pointed out.
"Only because I let you save my life," you responded.
Pietro gave a soft chuckle before kissing your lips.
"So that settles it, we'll get married when we both survive," he said.
"What happened to 'if'?" you asked.
"We both have something to look forward to now," he smirked.
You shook your head.
"You're funny," you said.
He kissed you again.
You walked over to the other two.
"We're headed back to Stark tower. Maximoffs, find us a ride," Steve ordered.
The twins disappeared and Steve looked over at you.
"What was that about?" Steve questioned.
"I just got engaged," you shrugged, nonchalantly.
"Ultron should be the least of your worries if you made that decision," he told you.
Your heart hit with fear when you realized what he meant.
"I am so dead when Natasha finds out!"

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