Sam Winchester (Furry Love)

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You were walking your dog.
Your dog had always been hyper and loved to get affection and attention from people.
S/He always gave you trouble waking him/her.
Today, things were going pretty smoothly.
You had just made it to the park.
The dog collar loosened, and you didn't notice until your dog slipped out.
S/He took off running.
"Fuck," you cursed, "D/N, come back here!"
The dog stopped, allowing you to get close, but then started running again.
"You little shit!" you exclaimed.
You ran around the entire park, looking for your dog.
You found him/her sitting on the lap of a tall man.
He was sitting on bench under a tree.
His hair was long and shaggy, his brown eyes bright and his laugh was adorable.
The man was petting his/her belly, and s/he was enjoying the attention.
"D/N!" You called.
The dog yipped at you.
"Is this your dog?" the man asked.
"Yes. Thank you so much for finding him/her," you smiled.
You sat beside him, your dog slinking onto your lap.
You put the collar back on and adjusted it, so it wouldn't slip off again.
You looked to the stranger beside you.
"I'm Y/N," you introduced.
"Sam," the man smiled.
Your dog raced back onto his lap.
"S/he likes you," you laughed.
"Well, s/he is adorable," Sam said, petting the dog behind the ears.
"D/N thrives off of attention," you pointed out.
"That's adorable," he laughed.
"Not as adorable as your laugh," you joked, "Oh my God!"
Sam blushed.
"No, no. It's cute," you assured him.
"You're cute too," he responded.
It was your turn to blush.
"Now we're even," he smiled.
You pushed his shoulder gently with yours.
"Are you hungry?" he asked, suddenly.
"Excuse me?" you replied.
"Well, it's just that it's almost lunch. Would you maybe want to go grab some lunch with me?" he asked.
Your dog barked.
"Oh, and D/N, too of course," he chuckled.
"We would love to," you smiled.
Sam stood and offered you his arm.
You stood and held D/N's leash tightly.
You took his arm and Sam began to walk out of the park with you.
D/N was one of the best match makers.

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