Doctor Who (For nightvisions4)

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Amy was pushing.
It was hard.
She had refused any medication.
"A natural birth is a beautiful experience. A natural birth is a miracle," she was grumbling.
Sweat was pouring down her red face.
She was clenching the hospital sheets in one hand and her husband Rory's hand in another.
She screamed as she pushed again.
"If I had known all the pain, I would have begged for drugs and told everyone to take their opinions and-," she continued to say.
"Amy!" Rory interrupted.
She squeezed his hand harder.
He flinched and held in a groan of pain.
"Is it too late for the drugs?" he questioned.
The female doctor glared.
"That answers that," he muttered.
Amy screamed as she pushed again.
Fear overcame Rory.
She was crushing his hand too tight.
He felt something crack, and he released a yelp.
Amy released her hold.
"What? Are we psychically linked now or something?" she asked sarcastically.
A nurse came over and looked at Rory's hand.
"It seems you broke two of his fingers," she reported.
"Well, fix him so I can break his entire hand for making me go through this," Amy ordered.
Rory was taken into the next room to get his hand fixed quickly.
"Please, don't make me go back yet," he asked.
The nurse stared at him.
"Are you sure you're the father?" she questioned.
"Yes," Rory said.
The nurse humphed before shoving him back into the room.
Amy grabbed Rory's shirt and yanked him down to her face.
"Once this child is out of me, I'm going to kick you in your dumb fa-," her threat was interrupted by a loud screech.
Crying filled the room.
"You did it!" the doctor reported.
"Oh, thank God," Rory muttered.
The nurse handed him a pair of scissors.
"Cut the umbilical cord," the doctor ordered.
Rory felt his wife's glare and wasted no time in snipping it where he was told.
The child was taken away.
"Sorry I broke only two of your fingers," Amy sighed, resting back.
"What?" Rory asked.
"I apologized," she said simply.
Before any more words could be exchanged, the doctor returned.
"It's a girl," s/he announced.
The baby girl was put into Rory's hold.
"What's her name?" the nurse asked as Rory marveled.
He rocked his daughter in his arms, admiring her small and delicate features.
One of his proudest moments.
Amy held out her arms and Rory place their child in them.
He kissed Amy on the forehead.
Amy let a few tears slide down her face as she ran a hand over your tiny ones.
"Y/N," he finally answered, "Her name is Y/N."
And that, is the story of when your parents held you for the first time.

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