The Joker (Interview with a Madman)

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You were a college student studying psychology.
Your professor loved your in depth work.
He loved that you weren't afraid to get your hands dirty.
It was safe to say that you were his favorite student.
That's why you weren't at all surprised when he asked you to stay after class.
"Is something wrong, Mr. Reichman?" you asked.
He shook his head.
"Not at all, Y/N," he answered.
You waited for him to continue.
"I have a special assignment for you," he stated, "I want you to interview the Joker."
You were slightly taken aback.
"The Joker? In Arkham Asylum?" you questioned.
He nodded.
"Problem?" he asked.
This was big.
You knew you could handle it, though.
"Not at all. But what do i do?" you asked.
"I set up everything for you. Here's your pass," mr. Reichman said, handing you a piece of paper, "And just ask whatever your gut tells you."
You nodded.
You left to Arkham Asylum.
You were led into the Joker's cell.
You had never seen him without his makeup before.
He was really handsome.
He looked at you, studying you.
You looked at the designated chair.
"Do you mind if I sit?" you asked.
"That's why the chair's there," he shrugged.
"But do you mind if i sit?" you repeated.
He looked at you before shaking his head.
"Thank you," you said, carefully sitting.
You had a notebook on your lap.
"Why are you interviewing me?" he asked.
"I was asked to by my professor," you answered.
"Why?" he persisted.
"I have no idea. Probably because he knew I was the only one who would be willing to do so," you said.
There was silence.
"Is there anything you want me to call you? Or will Joker suffice?" you asked.
"Jack," he said.
"Like the Jack of all trades," you couldn't help but mutter.
"Exactly," he said.
You smiled at him.
"I'm Y/N," you told him.
You commenced the interview, and it went by pretty smoothly.
You went back three more times, consecutively.
This was your fourth visit.
Jack seemed to appreciate your questions.
Sometimes, Jack would ask his own questions, or tell you a joke to make you laugh.
This was one of those times.
"I love your laugh," he said.
You bushed.
"I hate it," you admitted.
"It's cute," he said, "You should do it more."
The sound of screaming entered the room.
An alarm began blaring.
You got to your feet.
"It's a riot," Jack said, getting to his feet too.
You gasped as the door opened.
Jack stood in front of you, protectively.
Two men, you had never seen them before, looked at you.
"Joker's got himself a lover," one joked.
"Or his own kill," the other reasoned.
"You both need to leave. Now," Jack told them coldly.
"We will. With the girl. She's our way out," the reasonable one said.
"You can't have her," Jack said.
The annoying one tried to grab you, but Jack stopped him and smashed him into the second.
Both fell and Jack used your chair to hit them multiple times.
He stopped when he saw they were safely down.
He looked at you.
"I-," he began to apologize.
"Thank you," you interrupted.
"May I try something?" he asked.
You nodded.
Jack pressed his lips to yours, softly.
You kissed back.
He pulled away and got back to his spot.
Guards rushed in.
They aimed tasers at him.
"Hey, hey! Don't!" you stopped them.
They looked at you like you were crazy.
"He protected me. It's those two you need to focus on," you pointed to the knocked out bodies.
You were escorted off the premises and that was the end of your interviews.
You handed in your report on what you had so far and continued on with your life.
Your mind always seemed to think back to Jack, though.
One night, you were sleeping when you heard a pounding on your window.
You woke up and sleepily opened it.
It wasn't until whoever it was kissed you that you fully realized what was happening.
You pulled away.
The figure's wet hair was in his face.
You grabbed your lamp as a weapon.
"Who are you?" you asked.
He pushed his hair back to reveal it was Jack.
You dropped the lamp.
"Jack? How-?" you began to question.
He cut you off with a hug.
"I don't have long. Come with me?" he asked.
Without thinking about it, you nodded.
He lifted you up bridal style and took off through your window again.
You were running away with the Joker.
Were you crazy?
Did you mind?
Not at all.

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