Merlin (Royally Yours)

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You were a princess from a few kingdoms over.
You had been sent to Camelot by your father the king.
You were to serve as a representative for your kingdom.
You arrived in the morning, at the request of Uther.
Your horse was taken by a knight.
"Where is my horse being taken?" you asked.
"To the stables with the horses of the knights," he responded.
"And your name is?" you asked.
"Prince Arthur," he smiled.
"I am Princess Y/N," you bowed your head.
"I know," he winked.
You tried your best not to roll your eyes.
You were led into the castle by a handmaiden.
"I'm sorry, what's your name?" you asked her, as you followed.
"Guinevere," she said, not meeting your eyes.
"Thank you, Guinevere," you smiled.
She smiled back and met your eyes.
You hated to see people treated like nothing because they were not as rich as another.
Your father had taught you this, being a modest man.
He merely wanted you to talk to King Uther to allow the knights of your kingdom to return home after accidentally trespassing in Camelot on a ride.
You were taken to King Uther, who greeted you with a bow and kiss to your hand.
You tried not to be disgusted as you curtsied.
You could definitely tell his son was Arthur.
You were told to sit in a throne across the table from him.
Arthur sat at his side.
"My father requests our knights be returned home," you started out.
"What were they doing in Camelot?" Uther asked.
"They were on a routine nightly ride when a storm hit. They were separated from the rest of the knights, and tried to seek shelter. They remember not what happened until they awoke in Camelot to their capture," you explained, recalling the letter one of the knights had sent home.
Uther pondered over your words.
"I will allow them to return home," he nodded, "On the condition that you remain."
"Pardon?" you asked, clenching your jaw.
"Do not worry, you will have free will to do what you wish here. You just must stay here to promote unity between our kingdoms," Uther smiled sinisterly.
Arthur looked at his father, shocked.
You thought about your kingdom.
Your older brother and parents were more than capable of caring for the kingdom alone.
The knights had families eagerly awaiting their return.
You had no choice.
"I accept your terms. Allow me to write a letter first," you requested.
Uther nodded.
You quickly jotted down the information for your family and sent your love.
The knights were released and you handed one your letter.
You bed them farewell and well wishes.
They left and you returned to the palace.
Arthur was at your side.
"Merlin will attend to your needs," he told you.
A boy with a blue shirt and red scarf ran up, out of breath.
You smiled.
You put a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you alright?" you questioned.
"Yes. Sorry, you are?" he questioned.
"Princess Y/N," you answered.
He stood straight before bowing.
"There's no need for that," you told him.
"Do you need anything, Y/N?" Arthur asked, "Merlin will get it for you."
Merlin glared at Arthur.
"Actually, I'd like to take a walk. If Merlin, would accompany me?" you asked Merlin.
His cheeks blushed red and he nodded.
You took his arm and began walking along.
You could practically feel Arthur's shocked gaze watching you.
You and Merlin walked along, quietly.
Until you got to the middle of the woods.
Five bandits encircled the two of you.
Merlin pushed you behind him.
"Oh, Merlin, I much prefer to protect myself," you stated, stepping in front of him and pulling your sword from your side.
You easily deflected the hits of two bandits, stabbing one in the thigh and the other in arm.
You tried to aim not to kill.
You fought off another two with clubs.
You cut off one's hand, leaving him screaming in agony.
You grabbed the club of another and used it to hit him over the head.
There was one left, but he was nowhere to be found.
You looked at Merlin, whose jaw was open at your actions.
"Where is the last?" you asked.
He didn't respond, instead deciding to mutter an enchantment.
You turned, seeing the last bandit fall asleep.
"You have magic?" you asked him.
He looked afraid.
You grabbed his scarf and kissed him.
"You're adorable," you chuckled.
He grabbed your waist, kissing you back.
You were interrupted by laughter.
You both turned to see Arthur.
He was laughing.
The bandits were gone, they must have run off.
You drew a dagger from your sleeve.
You threw it at Arthur, watching it hit the tree an inch away from his face.
He went silent, his face pale.
Merlin smirked.
You winked at both boys.

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