If you choose: Pietro Maximoff

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You took Barry's hand.
You walked back to your new team, your new family.
You kissed Barry as hard as you could, with all your love.
"I have to go," you said, when you pulled away.
Tears were falling from your eyes.
You couldn't stop it.
"I'm sorry," you sobbed to them.
Dr. Wells took your hand.
"Don't be sorry," he said, "They were your family. Your life used to revolve around them. We understand."
"I guess you really can't outrun your past," you sighed.
You looked at the four in front of you.
"Dr. Wells, you take care of these guys. They're more important than they know," you said.
"Of course. I know what you mean," he smiled.
"And Caitlin, you show the boys who's boss. You keep everyone together and make sure everyone stays sane," You told her.
She nodded.
"Who else will?" she tried to joke.
"Cisco, you keep up with your imagination. Don't let anyone stop your creativity. But don't forget to use your common sense either," you instructed.
"It was one time," he muttered.
"Cisco," you said, "You understand?"
"I understand, Y/N," he nodded.
"And Barry," you said, turning to him, "You know I love you. But i could never fully give you my heart. Pietro has always kept a piece of it."
Barry sighed and nodded, a few tears sliding down his own face.
"I get it. Besides, I guess Iris has always kept a piece of mine," he admitted, "But please, promise me something."
"Anything," you nodded.
"Don't forget about us, okay?" he asked.
"Never!" You exclaimed.
Everyone bowed their head solemnly.
"Wait, do you guys think you're never going to see or hear from me again?" you questioned.
They all looked up, confused.
"Guys, I'm leaving, yes. But I'm not dying," you said, "I will be visiting and calling, and everything."
They all looked at each other and grinned.
"We're always going to be friend and when you need me, I'll be there before you can even explain why," you assured them.
"We're holding you to that," Cisco laughed.
"I wouldn't expect anything less," you grinned, "Now promise me something?"
"Of course," Caitlin nodded.
"Don't forget you guys are all a part of my family now, too," you requested.
"We had better be," Barry teased.
You looked back at the Avengers.
"I have to go now. But I'll call you, okay?" you said.
They all nodded.
You waved goodbye and followed the Avengers out.
"Welcome back, Y/N," the Avengers chorused as you all got on the jet.
"We all missed you," Steve said, speaking for everyone.
There was a murmur of agreement.
"Not more than me, though," Pietro said, "You know, I made such a huge mistake and I didn't realize until you left. I love you and I will always love you. I guess-."
You kissed Pietro to stop his rambling.
"I missed you too," you smiled.
Pietro kissed you again, grinning happily.
"I love you, принцесса," Pietro spoke.
"I love you, too," you nodded, acting like you knew what he called you.
"You have no idea what i called you, do you?" he chuckled.
"Not a clue," you sighed.
"I called you Princess," he smiled.
"I'm not wearing a crown," you teased, pecking his lips.
Pietro grinned and winked.
"We can fix that."

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