Adam Milligan (For lukeybabe68)

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You had been hunting with the Winchesters for a while now, almost two years.
Recently, their little half-brother had gotten out of hell.
You had been charged with helping him through the nightmares and adjust to his new life.
So far, you had done a pretty good job.
When Adam first met you, he hated you and refused to let you even look at him.
Now, he tolerated you and allowed you to help him at times.
He had no more nightmares, and had started to laugh again.
You had grown feelings for the boy, as well.
But you had overheard Adam laughing himself to tears when Sam and Dean mentioned the subject of him asking you out, only to later dismiss the idea by calling you "nothing but a babysitter."
That stung, but you acted like nothing happened.
You were good at that.
Staying in the bunker was killing you.
Before the Winchesters convinced you to hunt with them, you were a solo hunter, kicking ass and taking names.
Everyone knew to watch out for Y/N Y/L/N.
Now, you were lucky to even go outside.
You packed a duffel.
You swung it over your shoulder and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" Dean asked.
You looked to see him watching you, Sam and Adam on either side.
"I got a hunt," you shrugged.
"Alone?" Sam asked.
"Yeah. You know, like I used to do," you said.
"And you think we'll let you?" Dean asked.
"You can't go alone," Sam said.
"I can't just keep being stuck in here. You convinced me to come along to hunt. Not to be stuck inside reading books and taking care of everyone else all day. I'm not your babysitter or housekeeper. I'm a born and raised hunter. If this is a problem, I'll happily leave," you huffed.
The boys were silent until Sam sighed.
"She's right," he said.
"Sam!" Adam and Dean exclaimed at the same time.
"I'll go pack all my things," you said, turning.
"No, wait," Dean groaned.
You turned back, waiting.
"Fine. You can go," he muttered, "But any little thing-."
"Bye!" you interrupted, practically running out of the bunker.
And you didn't call.
Not for the two days it took to complete the hunt.
Just the typical salt and burn.
You walked into the bunker to see Adam waiting at the table, and he stood when he noticed you.
"Did something happen while i was gone?" you asked, expectantly.
"No, no. You just- I just- You didn't call," Adam said, looking at you.
"Nothing really happened," you reasoned.
"I just- I was worried," Adam said softly.
You put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, I'm okay. I'm freaking Y/N Y/L/N," you joked, "Haven't you heard?"
Adam just wrapped you in a tight hug.
You could feel him shaking a little.
"Hey, calm down. I'm sorry I worried you," you said, seriously.
"I guess I just realized I wouldn't make it without you," he said.
"Sam and Dean, even Cas would be able to help you out if I were gone," you told him, "They care about you, too."
"The nightmares would be nothing, compared to how heartbroken I would be if I lost you," Adam said, pulling away from you.
"What are you saying?" you asked.
"I need you," he said.
You were at a loss for words.
That was how hunters say I love you.
"I'm right here," you whispered.
Adam kissed you gently before pulling away.
"I'm glad I have you, Y/N freaking Y/L/N."
"Yeah, you are."

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