Leonard Snart (For kurtwagnersbae28)

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You weren't a bad guy.
You didn't steal, cheat, or even curse.
You were a forensic scientist given the power of elemental manipulation by the particle accelerator explosion.
You often helped the Flash, and his secret identity Barry Allen who was your best friend, when he asked.
You were pretty much a hero, generally a good person.
Yet, you were dating Leonard Snart, otherwise known as Captain Cold.
Barry obviously did not approve.
Truthfully, no one did.
But you loved him with all of your heart.
You two had been together for a little over a year.
You were at the CCPD, helping Barry with one of his cases.
You were currently in the bathroom.
A pregnancy test was in your hand.
You had skipped your period and had a case of morning sickness.
You were waiting, tapping your foot and biting your lip.
Finally, two minutes passed.
"That took forever," you whispered, looking at the test.
You gasped.
You were pregnant.
You heard a knock on the door.
"Y/N? You still in there?" You heard Barry ask.
You wrapped the test up in a wad of toilet paper and threw it out.
You flushed the toilet and washed your hands.
You stepped out and Barry was at the door.
"Everything okay?" he asked you.
You nodded your head and faked a smile.
"I'm fine," you said, starting to walk back to the lab.
How in the hell were you going to give Leonard the news?
Barry was right at your heels.
"Are you sure?" he asked, "You look stressed."
You ducked into the lab.
"Nope. I'm fine," you lied.
Barry spun you around and put his hands on your shoulders.
"What is going on?" Barry asked, looking at you.
Your facade broke.
"I'm pregnant," you whispered.
Barry's mouth hung open.
"What?" he asked.
You just nodded.
"And I have no idea in hell what to tell Leonard," you admitted, sitting down.
Barry looked at you and ran a hand through his hair.
Tears began to fall.
Barry hugged you tightly.
"Just tell him Y/N. And if things go wrong, the Flash will deal with him for you," Barry tried to comfort you.
You hugged him, pulling him to you.
You heard someone clearing their throat.
Barry pulled away.
You both looked up to see Leonard in the doorway.
"What's going on here?" he asked, stepping in.
Barry stepped away.
"You and Y/N need to talk," Barry said, looking at Leonard.
Barry walked out of the lab.
Leonard looked at you.
"Something I should know?" Leonard asked, "I left my cold gun in the car."
"What?" you asked, "No, it's nothing like that."
"Then what is it?" Leonard asked, "I came to see you and I hear you need me anyway."
You were quiet and you looked down at your lap.
"What is it?" Leonard asked, looking at you.
You looked up, scared.
"I'm pregnant," you admitted, your voice confidant.
There was a piercing silence.
"You're what?" Leonard asked.
"I'm pregnant," you repeated.
You felt warm arms wrap around you.
Leonard kissed your forehead.
You looked up at Leonard.
And for the first time, you saw him give you a genuine smile.

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