Steve Rogers (For niallforever15)

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You were in the conference room of the new Avengers HQ, cleaning your gun.
You had a mission in a few hours.
You were partnered with your best friend, Steve Rogers.
You used to call him Stevie.
That was before his new girlfriend, Celine, came along.
She was a huge history buff.
She never left him alone, especially when he was with you.
Now, only she could call him Stevie.
Stark entered the conference room.
"Mission?" He asked.
You merely nodded, distracted by how clean your gun looked.
It was beautiful.
Tony served himself coffee and sat beside you.
"With your crush?" He asked.
He knew about your crush on Steve, no matter how hard you tried to hard it.
Lucky for you, no one else saw it.
You looked at Tony emotionlessly.
"I don't have a crush. I don't get crushes. You should know that," you said.
You suddenly hear a giggle.
"So you ARE a robot! I told you, Stevie," she said, pinching his cheek.
"I guess you were right," Steve laughed back, wrapping his arm around your waist.
You tried not to show how much that hurt you.
You loaded your gun and tucked it away.
Tony grabbed your hand and helped you to your feet.
He twirled you into his arm, holding his mug with the other.
"Play along," he whispered in your ear.
You faked a smile.
"Y/N and I are going to hang out before you two leave for your mission," Tony said, leading you out of the room.
You were both stopped by Celine's question.
"You two are a thing?" She asked.
"We're something," Tony simply lied before escorting you away.
He took you to his private "man cave."
"Why'd you do that?" You asked.
"Because I hate her, hate how Steve acts around her, and am your friend," Tony answered.
He put the coffee down and handed you an XBOX controller.
"Video games to prepare you for later?" He asked, sitting on the couch.
You sat next to him and took it.
"You're on," you smiled.
Before you knew it, you were getting ready to leave on the quinjet.
"So, you and Tony?" Steve asked, as you were taking your seats.
"Nothing to it," you shrugged.
"Right," he scoffed.
"We're just friends," you admitted.
"Friends who fondue," he responded.
You raised an eyebrow.
"I have no idea what that means," you replied.
The rest of the trip was silent, filled with a tense atmosphere.
When you landed, Steve gave you your instructions.
Take out all the guards and don't get shot.
You could do that.
And you did.
Until Steve's bad guy got away from him.
He didn't give you a heads up, so you were out of bullets.
You watched as the villain raised a gun at you.
You tried to lunge out of the way, but it was too late.
You took three bullets to the chest.
The last thing you saw was Steve leaning over you.
"Stay with me! Y/N! Stay with me!" He was yelling at you.
You felt yourself slip away.
You were sure you were dead.
You woke up in the Avengers hideout, Dr. Cho writing on her clipboard.
"Bring me back from the dead, Doc?" You asked, sitting up with ease.
"Only because you were fighting to be saved," she responded.
Celine was in the doorway.
"How dare you?" She huffed.
"Thanks for worrying about me, Celine," you replied sarcastically.
She stepped in front of your bed.
"How dare you get shot and steal Steve's attention?" She demanded.
"Are you serious right now?" You hissed, "I took 3 bullets because that's part of the job. Not to ruin your little relationship. Get the hell out of my room."
"Or what, you'll call Tony Stark?" She laughed.
You pulled out your gun and aimed it at her.
"No, I'm going to show you what it's like to take 3 to the chest," you said.
Steve stepped in front of her.
"Put the gun down, Y/N," he ordered.
You sighed and lowered it.
You watched Steve drag Celine outside.
You heard nothing, but watched her slap him before stomping off.
"Still don't want me to shoot her?" You asked.
"I'm sure," he laughed, sitting in the chair beside you.
He stared at you for a minute before taking your hand.
"Stark told me everything," he whispered.
"The video game part?" You asked.
"What? No. Your crush on me," he said.
"Oh, that part," you winced.
Steve kissed your knuckles.
"So, I've decided that when you get better, we're going out for drinks," he spoke.
"That sounds nice," you smiled.
"You should have told me earlier, though," he sighed, "Then no one would have had to deal with Celine."
"But I almost had my own target."

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