Draco Malfoy (Unconditional Love)

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You were Y/N Granger.
Hermione Granger's little sister.
You were both in the same year at Hogwarts.
Hermione was against it at first, but learned to love it.
You were the first to befriend Harry and Ron, but when Hermione joined your little group, things became easier.
You managed to avoid Draco Malfoy until second year.
You and Hermione were at the book shop with Harry and the Weasley family.
Draco stepped into your path.
"Look out this year, mudbloods. It's going to be a very hard one," he smirked.
That year, your sister was petrified by a basilisk and you could only wait with her in the hospital wing until Harry and Ron killed it, saving Ginny and all the muggle-borns.
It was the beginning of your third year when you started to grow apart from the Golden Trio.
It wasn't by choice, they just started to ignore you.
You were hurt, and the Weasley twins noticed this.
They took you under their wing and discovered your trickster spirit.
It was no problem becoming close with them.
You were confronted by Malfoy on a trip to Hogsmeade.
You were walking in the snow when he and his lackeys walked up to you.
You could see Hermione and Ron watching from afar.
You were annoyed.
"Poor mudblood, all alone. What do you boys think of the filthy little-?" Malfoy began to ask.
You interrupted him, by punching him in the face.
He fell in the snow.
The white turned slightly red.
He was bleeding.
He stood, staring at you with wide eyes.
His boys helped him.
"Shut up, Malfoy," you hissed.
He slowly walked away, his friends confusedly following behind.
You wiped your hand on your pants before continuing to walk off.
You didn't notice as the next few years went by in a blur, Malfoy's eyes always on you.
It wasn't until your sixth year that you even noticed him again.
You were in the old prefects bathroom, where Moaning Myrtle always was, just sitting in thought.
She left you alone today.
Draco slipped in.
You looked up at him.
His eyes were red and tears were sliding down his cheeks.
He turned his head away from you.
You got to your feet.
"Draco?" you questioned.
He didn't move.
"Are you okay?" you asked softly.
"Do I look okay?" he asked, angrily, showing you his arm.
He had the dark mark and you gasped.
He sank to his knees.
"I'm a monster," he said.
You got on your knees and hugged him.
"No, you're not. I'm sure you had your reasons. That doesn't make you a monster," you tried to comfort him.
You didn't know why you tried.
But you didn't want to see what would happen if you didn't.
He sobbed into your shoulder.
"Would you love me?" he asked.
You looked at him.
"What?" you asked.
"Would you love me? With this mark?" he asked.
"I would love you for who you are. Not what you do. Love is unconditional," you answered slowly, "If someone stopped loving you because of that mark, then they never truly loved you in the first place."
"I've loved you since third year," he muttered.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked quietly.
"How could i?" he retorted.
You thought about what to do.
"I love you too, Draco," you told him, "We'll get through this together."
He leaned his forehead against yours.
"Promise?" he whispered.
You gave him a sympathetic smile.

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