Kobra Kid (For thelittlewolf45)

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You had been running for days.
You and your friends were surviving in an old, well hidden bomb shelter.
One day, your friend Sonia went out to look for supplies as it was her turn.
She didn't come back until two days later, having led back the exact men you were hiding from.
The ones who had left the world in shambles.
"They can save us! We just have to do all they say!" she explained, begging the rest of us to join.
We had all run in different directions.
You hadn't had food, water, or rest since then.
You could feel yourself fading.
Your sight was blurry, but you could make out a car driving towards you.
You struggled to stay upright.
You failed, losing consciousness.
When you woke, you were laying in a clean room.
You bolted up, only to be pushed down.
You were alarmed.
"Relax. You're safe," you were comforted.
You looked to see a man in a mask at your side.
"Where am I?" you asked.
You felt much better.
"A safe place. You weren't doing too well. Found you passed out in the Zones," he explained, "What's your name?"
"Y/N," you answered.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Kobra Kid," he said.
He seemed like he was holding back any emotion.
When someone introduced themselves, they usually smiled or shook the person's hand.
Kobra Kid looked like he didn't really like you.
You avoided looking at him.
Days later, and he always remained at your side.
You took to talking to him, telling him stories of your life.
He would never show any sign that he was listening, nor would he respond.
But it was still nice to be talking.
You were getting better.
You wanted to be walking again.
You said nothing as you threw the sheets off of your body and slid off.
You held onto the bed for balance.
Kobra was at full attention, watching you.
Once you believed to be steady, you let go of your hold on the bed.
You almost fell, but Kobra caught you, steadying you.
"Thanks," you smiled.
Kobra looked away before letting you go.
That's when you were completely sure he didn't like you.
You walked slowly.
You weren't 100% yet.
You practiced walking everyday until you could do it perfectly.
The next day, you changed into the clothes Kobra and his friends, the Killjoys as you had overheard, had cleaned for you.
Kobra entered the room, and stopped when he noticed you were dressed.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm leaving. I am so thankful for your help. I can never repay you. But I don't like being a burden. It's time I go," you explained.
You wanted to hug him, to show your appreciation.
You leaned forward to do so, but recalled his aversion to emotions.
You stopped yourself.
"Sorry, almost forgot," you said.
"Forgot what?" he asked, curious.
"You don't like emotions," you stated.
Kobra said nothing.
You assumed it was best you leave at that moment, but he just hugged you close.
You gasped in shock, but wasted no time hugging back.
He pulled away, but held you close.
"Please don't go," he asked.
"I don't understand," you said.
"I like having you here. I like you," he sighed, "I tried to stop it from happening, but I fell for you anyway."
You stared at him.
He really looked upset.
"I'll gladly stay with you. On the condition that you respond to me when I talk," you smiled.
"I promise," he replied.
Kobra kissed your forehead.
You could survive this together.

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