Cisco Ramon (For heyhoe1415)

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Your fingers rapidly typed along the keyboard.
You were trying to hack into Cisco's video game account.
You finally got in.
You quickly changed his icon's clothing to a bikini.
Which looked pretty weird since it was supposed to be a warrior.
Then, you wasted half of his bank redecorating the castle to a pink empire.
You laughed as you logged off.
"What did you do?" Cisco asked, entering the room.
Caitlin was on vacation.
"What?" you asked, innocently.
"You laughed," he pointed out.
"My friend texted me a joke," you lied.
"I'm watching you," Cisco said.
Suddenly, the alarm blared.
"The meta is acting up again," you said.
"I'm calling Barry," Cisco said, sitting beside you.
You pinpointed the meta's location.
"He's consuming a building on East 17th," you read.
"Barry's on it," Cisco said.
You watched as a red flash blasted in and then out.
"He forgot the weapon," you sighed.
Barry sped back, and grabbed it from your hand.
"Thank you," he rushed, kissing your cheek before speeding off again.
Cisco stared at you.
"What?" you asked.
"You and Barry seem cozy," he said.
"Nah. We're just friends," you shrugged.
You saw Barry as a friend, like a brother.
Besides, you knew of his raging crush on Iris.
"You sure?" he asked.
"Yeah. We were just hanging out this morning, getting coffee," you said, "Friends do that."
"You and I don't," he said.
"We have movie marathons," you pointed out.
Cisco was about to respond, when Barry came on the coms.
"Guys, he just sucked up the weapon," he spoke.
"What the hell?" you said.
Barry appeared in front of you.
"What do we do now?" he asked.
"We can use the original version," Cisco suggested.
"It takes more than one person to man it," you reminded him.
"So we'll go too," Cisco shrugged, "We got this."
You weren't so sure, but you trusted Cisco.
The three of you loaded it into the van, rushing off.
When you got there, the meta was moving onto his third building.
Barry and Cisco grabbed the actual container as you held onto the hose.
This machine was meant to consume the meta, just as he consumed everything else.
"Why can't I come up with a name for this guy?" Cisco complained.
"Just turn it on!" You yelled.
The meta focused on you.
The machine was on, but it wasn't working.
He only began to suck harder.
You felt your body start to move towards him.
"Y/N!" Barry screamed.
Cisco reached out for you, forgetting to keep his own hold.
Barry wasted no time in speeding him to the van before he could be sucked up.
Unfortunately, that left you vulnerable.
You and the machine were sucked into the meta.
Inside, you watched as you kept floating down into nothingness.
It was like an abyss.
Your worst fear.
Fading into oblivion.
You were actually living it.
You were freaking out, until the machine began to work.
"Of course! It reverses his actions, so it would make him spit everything back out!" You realized.
You facepalmed for not noticing it earlier.
Within a few minutes, you were back on the outside, covered in goo.
Everything began spewing back out.
You looked at Barry and Cisco.
"His name is Void," you said.
You turned your attention back to the deflating meta.
As he turned into nothingness, you all returned home.
You sat at the computer, quietly.
Barry had gone home to explain what had happened to Joe and Iris.
Cisco sat next to you.
"Princess," he said.
"What?" you asked.
"Well, you were a hero today, so I figured you needed a name. Princess," he repeated.
"Why Princess?" you asked.
"Because you're perfect," he said.
You raised an eyebrow.
"I love you, Y/N," he blurted out, hugging you, "Don't ever be a hero again."
You hugged Cisco back.
"I wasn't trying to be. And, I love you too," you admitted.
Cisco pulled away.
"Romantic video game war?" he offered.
"That sounds amazing," you grinned.
You were going on a date, geek style.
"I'll get the snacks," you offered, heading to your secret storage.
"I'll set up the video games," he said.
You were pulling out your favorite candies when you heard Cisco yell.

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