Tyler Joseph (For michelle_orti15)

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For michelle_orti15
You were a fan of Twenty One Pilots and Panic! At the Disco.
It was all you listened to.
When you heard that Panic! Was having a fan contest, you immediately looked it up.
You just had to submit a video of yourself singing one of their songs to enter.
You could win a chance to meet P!ATD.
You saw no problems with it.
Even if you didn't win, it seemed like a fun idea.
You recorded a video of you singing "This is Gospel," and submitted it.
Two weeks later, and you were in the middle of doing Geometry homework.
The contest had slipped to your mind.
Your phone went off and you took the chance to procrastinate.
Someone had sent you a private message on Twitter.
"Better not be that weird kid again," you mumbled, checking it.
It wasn't.
It really wasn't.
Brendon Urie had contacted you!
He was congratulating you on winning, saying he couldn't wait to meet you.
You had won the contest!
An uncontrollable screech was released and you danced around a little.
You had actually freaking won the chance to meet one of your favorite bands.
"Holy shit," you cursed, realizing you had no idea what to do now.
Luckily, a PR rep was there to talk you through everything.
You went to the venue where you were supposed to meet P!ATD.
No one was there yet, so you must have been given an earlier time to ensure your arrival.
All of a sudden, two giggling men entered.
Tyler Joseph and Josh Don!
You stood, staring in shock.
"Hey, are you Michelle?" Tyler asked.
You speechlessly nodded.
"Alright, you're coming with us," he smiled.
"But, I thought I was supposed to be meeting Panic! At the Disco? Not that I don't love you guys, because trust me, I do," you spoke.
Josh laughed.
He put a huge note on the door.
"Yeah, you are. But we're kidnapping you. We're way more fun anyway," Josh responded.
You shrugged and followed as the boys led you to a waiting car.
"What's your name?" Tyler asked.
"Michelle," you introduced.
You couldn't believe anything that was happening at the moment.
"So, how'd you win the contest?" Josh asked.
You shrugged.
"I honestly have no idea. I just recorded myself singing and-," you began.
"Woah, hold on. You're a singer?" Tyler interrupted.
"Um, I'd like to think so," you said, shyly.
"Can you sing for us? Please?" Tyler asked.
You hesitated.
"Screw it," you mumbled, before singing a little bit of their song "House of Gold."
"You're amazing," Tyler said when you stopped.
"You could probably replace Tyler," Josh joked.
You laughed.
"I want to know all about you," Tyler said.
"Yeah. We have a bit of a drive," Josh added.
You told the boys little things about your life.
Where you lived, your friends, what you liked, school.
You tried not to be too boring.
The car pulled up in front of a paintball store.
"Oh my God, I have always wanted to go," you marveled.
"Then come on!" Josh urged, getting out of the car.
Tyler helped you out of the car.
He kept a hold on your hand as you entered the store.
"Now, you're already pretty cool in our book," Josh grinned, "But if you beat us, you'll be even cooler."
"Challenge accepted," you nodded, collecting gear.
You were acting confident on the outside, but on the inside, you were a nervous wreck.
The alarm went off and you darted for cover.
Once you established that, you went for Josh first.
He was distracted, looking for you.
You were able to easily sneak up behind him and shot him in the back.
"The back, really?" he laughed, turning around.
"Sorry!" you apologized.
He waved you off.
"It's part of the game, don't sweat it," he said, "You had better shoot Tyler before he shoots you."
You went off again.
As you were walking, someone jumped in front of you.
You instinctively pulled the trigger.
You heard a groan.
You looked to see you had shot Tyler, square in the chest.
"Man, I was supposed to shoot you," he said.
You laughed.
"Sorry," you shrugged.
"Oh, you're not leaving without at least being covered in a little paint," Tyler said, dropping his gun and coming closer.
He wrapped you up in a hug.
He pulled away, and you were blushing.
Josh popped out at you guys, causing Tyler to jump into you and knock you down.
"Hey, I'm too small for such abuse," you joked.
You were really comfortable with these guys.
Josh helped you to your feet.
"Tyler, you shouldn't hit people you like," he teased.
Tyler playfully shoved him.
You felt paint pelt you repeatedly.
You screamed in shock, falling to the ground.
When the paint stopped flying, you noticed you were sitting on Tyler's legs, and Tyler was laying on top of Josh.
A masked person approached.
The mask was taken off to reveal Brendon Urie.
"Nice try guys," he smiled.
You stood and Brendon helped the guys up.
"Now, I'm taking this winner to have some food," Brendon said, "Hi, Michelle."
"Hi," you waved.
"How do you feel about IHop? I'm in the mood for pancakes?" Brendon asked.
"Sure," you nodded.
Honestly, you could go for anything.
You had missed breakfast in your excitement.
"Awesome!" Brendon replied.
"Thanks for the fun, guys," you said to Josh and Tyler.
Josh hugged you tight.
"Keep signing and having fun," he said, before walking off to clean up.
Tyler approached you, his phone in hand.
"I really liked getting to know you. Do you think I could get your number?" he asked.
"Of course," you smiled, reciting it to him.
He hugged you goodbye.
"I'll text you when I miss you," he said before walking off to join Josh.
You left with Brendon.
You weren't sure when, or if, Tyler would text you.
As you got into Brendon's car, your phone went off.
You looked at it to see a text.
"I miss you. -Tyler"

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