Ahkmenrah (For FromTheValley15)

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Your father was taking you to work tonight.
You weren't very excited to go.
Your brother, Nick, tried to encourage you, already having been, and told you it would be so much more "awesome" than you could have ever possibly thought.
You just weren't into it.
You didn't know why.
You were never as close to your father as your brother.
You loved history, though, which was the only reason why you agreed to go.
You had gotten to the museum by yourself to meet your father in front.
You spotted your father waiting for you in full uniform.
You resisted the urge to gag.
You were on the phone with your best friend and knew you had to hang up.
"Okay, i'm here. I have to go now. Love you," you told her.
"Love you too. Try to have fun," she responded before hanging up.
As if, you thought.
You looked at your dad.
"Let's get this over with," you sighed.
He turned and led you into the building.
You stood in the lobby, next to the Tyrannosaurus Rex bones.
"Any minute now," your dad smiled.
"What are we waiting for exactly?" you questioned.
"Living history, Y/N," he laughed.
You felt something sniff you.
You turned around to see the T-Rex skeleton had been positioned behind you.
"What the...?" you trailed off.
Theodore Roosevelt came riding in on a horse, Sacajawea on the back.
"Hello, Larry! Is this your daughter?" he called as he came to a halt in front of you.
Your father patted you on the back.
"Yep, this is Y/N," he said.
"The fuck?" you finally finished.
"Watch your mouth!" your dad scolded.
"I didn't know you had friends, dad. Let alone enough to pull this off," you began to giggle.
"Haha, you're very funny," he responded, very sarcastically and rolling his eyes, "I'll take you on a tour. These are Teddy and Sacajawea, obviously."
"It's a pleasure," you said, playing along.
Roosevelt saluted you and Sacajawea nodded.
"You met the T-Rex. We have to avoid the Huns. Let's try the Easter Island head," he thought aloud.
"Lead the way," you shrugged.
He took you to stand in front of a giant stone head.
Nothing happened.
"Of course, now that my dignity is on the line, you don't want to do anything," your dad groaned.
"Dad, don't you think you're becoming a bit too... I don't know... crazy!" you shouted.
"Oh, you in trouble, dumb-dumb," you heard.
You froze.
You turned to look at the big head which sounded like it had just talked.
"Oopsie," it said.
"YES! Believe me now?" your dad cheered.
You nodded, still too shocked to speak.
"Great, let's continue the tour," he said casually, walking away.
You followed behind.
You were led to a mini town of mini figures.
"Yeah, on my first day they drugged me, tied me up, and tried to hit me with a mini train," your dad told you.
"You realize you could just like, stomp on them, right?" you said.
"I was still getting used to the whole living museum thing," he said, defensively.
"Hiya Larry!" you heard.
You looked over to see a cowboy standing next to a roman soldier.
"Hey Jed, Hello Octavius," your dad greeted, "This is my daughter, Y/N."
You gave a wave.
Jed dipped his hat and Octavius took off his helmet before bowing at you.
"Well, I want to take her to meet Dexter real quick and then get into my routine, so we'll catch up later," your dad said, before grabbing your wrist and pulling you along.
"Who's Dexter?" you asked.
"My frenemy," your dad shrugged.
"Seriously?" you scoffed.
"Things are weird here," he nodded.
You rolled your eyes.
You were taken into an animal exhibit.
"Is Dexter an animal?" you asked.
A monkey landed in front of your father.
"Oh my god," you laughed.
You watched your father get into a slap fight with the monkey.
You facepalmed at his actions.
"Hi, Dexter," you interrupted.
They both stopped slapping each other.
"I'm Larry's daughter, Y/N," you introduced yourself.
Dexter held out his hand and you shook it gently.
And then he proceeded to continue his slap fight with your father.
You shook your head and left the room, getting slightly annoyed.
You came face to face with Attila the Hun.
"Oh no," you said, "I don't suppose you're like, secretly a really nice guy and history got you all wrong, huh?"
You had no idea what he said, but his followers snatched you up and carried you away.
"Nope," you sighed.
"Stop," you heard, "Put the girl down."
You heard arguing before you were shoved into the arms of an unknown figure.
The arms wrapped around your protectively until Attila disappeared, before releasing you.
You turned to see a man dressed in ancient Egyptian wear.
"Um, thank you. That sounds lame, but I don't really know what else to say," you spoke.
"No need to thank me. I am Ahkmenrah," the man bowed.
"Wow, I read about you in history. You were, like, one of the best-," you interrupted yourself, "Sorry. I'm Y/N, Larry's daughter."
Ahkmenrah smiled at you.
"I'm glad I could meet you. Do you think you'll ever be back? I'd like to talk to you more. You come off as an intellectual and well, it's been so long since I've learned anything," he said.
You watched your dad come running up behind you.
You smiled back at Ahkmenrah.
"You know, you might just see me a lot more around here."

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