Pan{OUAT} (For MinnieTheBatgeek)

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You were Henry's best friend.
You were older than him by a year and a couple months.
You were a foster child on the run.
You were also a magical creature from The Magic Forest.
You just didn't know who you were, and no one else did, either.
But you helped the good guys a lot, helping them figure things out when they got stuck.
You were more observant than most people.
You recognized the characters in Henry's book easily and could practically envision their stories.
When Henry disappeared, you already knew where to look.
"Neverland," you said suddenly.
Everyone looked at you, startled.
"Think about it. Who's the one character we haven't met yet, but is ever so popular?" you reasoned.
"Peter Pan?" Neal asked, "Oh God. Then we have to go. Right now. Or Henry might not have a chance."
"Why? Doesn't he save kids?" Emma asked.
"Not in the original stories," you recalled, "One of my foster mothers once read me the true story of Peter Pan to scare me to sleep. He led the children away from their homes using the music he played on his pipe. Then he never let them leave the island and stopped them from growing up so they could stay young forever with him, causing them eternal misery."
Everyone shared a scared glance.
"Let's go," Emma said, with confidence, "Y/N, you stay."
"I can't," you said, shaking your head.
"Why not?" Neal asked.
"I just have this weird feeling like I can't," you said, looking down at my hands, confused, "I know I have to go."
Regina was the one to have your back.
"That means she's connected to the story," she said.
Emma sighed reluctantly, "Fine."
Before you could even blink, your feet had landed in Neverland.
Yet for some odd reason, you had been separated from the others as soon as you set foot on it.
"What's going on?" you questioned aloud.
You spotted Henry.
"Henry!" you shouted.
He ran over to you.
"You can't be here. How are you here?" Henry asked.
"We came to find you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" you asked, checking him over.
"I'm fine," he laughed, "I was playing hide and seek with Peter."
"Pan?" you asked, slowly.
You heard a rustle in the bushes.
You stood in front of Henry, protectively.
Another boy came out of the bushes.
"You're not really good at hiding Henry," the boy laughed.
He looked about your age.
He looked at you, surprised.
"The Seer?" he asked.
"The what?" you asked.
"You know who Y/N is? We've been trying to figure it out for ages," Henry said, walking towards the boy.
"Know her? We used to be in love once," Peter smiled, "You lived with me here, Y/N. we were going to be together forever."
"Uh, no," you said, "I don't know you."
"But you will," Peter smirked, "We have an eternity together now."
"We should go back," Henry said, pointing to the sky, "It's getting dark."
"My lady," Peter said, offering you his arm.
You watched Henry run ahead and sighed, having no choice but to take Peter's arm to protect Henry.
Maybe you were "The Seer".
Because as you walked off with Peter, you knew only danger lied ahead.

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